antievictionmappingproject / covid-19-map-react

COVID-19 Emergency Tenant Protections Map (refactored to use React!)
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Use New Airtable 'Housing Justice Action' Form Data and Variables #100

Open azadag opened 3 years ago

azadag commented 3 years ago

front end follow-up to

new data can be found at [redacted[ here. See [old link for reference], and [airtable base] for further context on form questions see the [survey form here].

variables starting with housingexp and housing_part__ are width-wise expansions + english only translations of airtable variable housing_experience_type; and housing_justice_participation_3

carto variables names+ old version if existed in quotes

carto variables + old version if existed in quotes id local_neighb_city_state_country = 'location' Latitude Longitude

num_occupants_involved debt - text entry - what has your experience with debt been like

housing_exp_eviction - 0/1 dummy have you experienced eviction housing_exp_housing_justice_action - 0/1 dummy - have you participated in a housing justice action housing_exp_landlord_retaliation - 0/1 dummy - have you experienced landlord retaliation experienced_landlord_retaliation - 'text entry' - how has your landlord threathened you for not paying the rent date_recieved_communication - date/string- when did you recieve communication threathening retaliation from your landlord

housing_part_campaigning_list_of_demands - 0/1 dummy - hja participation - you are on a rent strike housing_part_mutual_aid_direct_aid - 0/1 dummy - hja participation - you are participating in direct aid housing_part_occupation_squat - 0/1 dummy - hja participation - you are occupying or squating housing_part_rent_strike_rent_decrease - 0/1 dummy - hja participation - you are on rent strike or requesting rent decrease housing_part_other - 0/1 dummy - hja participation - selected 'other' housing_justice_other - text entry - what other type of action are you taking

participation_reason = 'why' - text entry - why are you participating in this action

property_ll_owner - text entry - what is the name of your landlord local_resources - text entry - what resources are available in your local area