antijingoist / open-dyslexic

What I intend to be an opensource font for dyslexics and for high readability
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Evidence #46

Closed DanielBaird closed 6 years ago

DanielBaird commented 10 years ago

As far as I could see on the site and on the Wikipedia article , there aren't any links to experimental evidence confirming the advantage of this font compared to a traditional font like Vera Sans.

This might be a decent PhD for someone. This project should reach out to academic institutions and propose it as a project.

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antijingoist commented 10 years ago

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the suggestion. If you (or anyone else) has the time to reach out to academic institutions for a formal project, that would be fantastic. As it stands, while I have discussed it with some in passing, I don't have the time needed to pursue it strongly.


ndarville commented 10 years ago

Here would be a place to start, if anyone’s up for some research diving. :)

DanielBaird commented 10 years ago

Good link @ndarville, near the top is this Masters thesis: which looks at Dyslexie. It found that reading wasn't any faster that Dyslexie vs. Arial, but dyslexics made more of some types of errors and less of other types of errors, with an overall reduction in total errors.

This conference citation was looking at the best fonts for dyslexia but just compared serifs with sans-serifs rather than trying specially made fonts. An email to those authors might be enough to get them started on testing this font.

It might be as simple as an email or two to get someone started on a research project -- the point of PhD students is that they work super hard for free, this project should tap into that :)

antijingoist commented 10 years ago

To clarify, currently, this project is me, and anyone else who comes along to help at the moment. If anyone here would like to help with it, please do. I work a full time job, have a family, and I'm working on Cyrillic to add to this. If I'm the one that pursues this, other areas will hurt. Sorry.

pabeaufait commented 7 years ago

Abbie (@antijingoist),

I get the time limits, job, family, and all. Nevertheless, I did go web walk-about today, and compiled a few tentative findings here:

Hopefully someone will jump on close examination of OpenDyslexic in conjunction with other alternative fonts in the near future.


pabeaufait commented 7 years ago

Hello again, Abbie (@antijingoist).

I've found email addresses I believe belong to the author and supervisors of Renske de Leeuw's 2010 thesis examining the font, Dyslexie, that you'd listed on your Research page.

Special Font For Dyslexia? Master’s thesis[:] Renske de Leeuw First supervisor: Dr. T. van Leeuwen Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. W.R. Joolingen December 2010, University of Twente (PDF, title page)

If the author of that thesis (Leeuw, 2010) isn't keen on replicating her study for OpenDyslexia, I'd like to suggest that you contact the supervisors, confirm their roles with regard to de Leeuw's thesis, and ask whether they currently mentor anyone who'd be keen to have a go examining OpenDyslexia.

Though I didn't find the supervisors at the University of Twente, Google did hit on their names at University of Utrecht (2017.09.12, below). The author seems to be at the University of Groningen:

Top Google hits for supervisors' names (2017.09.12):

1st supervisor:

2nd supervisor:

Abbie, please do follow-up here, and let us know whether you're now willing to contact them, and whether they reply.

Cheers, Paul

antijingoist commented 6 years ago

I'm compiling a list of existing research for the site migration, and I'll have it posted shortly (within a week or so). These were studies that either the authors themselves sent me without prompting, or people who saw the study that sent them to me.

I do not have time to spend contacting authors/researchers campaigning for studies. I'm just now getting to emails from several months ago.

If you want to, by all means go ahead.

antijingoist commented 6 years ago

Can't promise follow ups, but I am adding studies regardless of result to the website. I'll do it today.

antijingoist commented 6 years ago Click research.

I'll rearrange it so it's more visable/better later. links to PDFs and some cleanup too, but not today.