antimatter15 / alpaca.cpp

Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM
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The 13B model is giving worse answers than the 7B model #151

Open hmslima opened 1 year ago

hmslima commented 1 year ago


What is periodontics?

Periodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. It involves treating gum diseases such as gingivitis, diagnosing conditions associated with the gums and other structures in the oral cavity related to their health, function, and appearance. Periodontics also includes surgical procedures designed for both cosmetic purposes (gummy smile) and therapeutic reasons like releasing teeth from periodontals disease etc.,


What is the procedure performed for pulp protection?

The procedure typically involves a local anesthetic to numb the area, followed by removal of any decay or debris. The dentist will then clean and shape the canal before filling it with a material that seals off the root canals from further infection.


What do you see in the image of this link:

I can't make out any details in the image, but it appears to be a castle with red roofing and a large gate or doorway at the entrance. There is also what looks like a courtyard outside of the main building as well as some trees around the perimeter

Good answers! I almost forget that I am talking to a machine


What is periodontics?

The study of periodicity, or recurring patterns. Periodicities can be found in many different areas such as economics and finance (economy


What is the procedure performed for pulp protection?

Pulpotomia ######### Instruction:


What do you see in the image of this link:

A castle with a red roof and blue sky in the background

It either spits things that don't make sense or give shorter answers (or both...)

I don't know that if I had to add any other configuration. I compiled the software from source in MX Linux. In order to run the 7B model, I just use the command ./chat, but for running the 13B model, I use the command ./chat -m ggml-alpaca-13b-q4.bin

./chat -m ggml-alpaca-13b-q4.bin
main: seed = 1679696962
llama_model_load: loading model from 'ggml-alpaca-13b-q4.bin' - please wait ...
llama_model_load: ggml ctx size = 10959.49 MB
llama_model_load: memory_size =  3200.00 MB, n_mem = 81920
llama_model_load: loading model part 1/1 from 'ggml-alpaca-13b-q4.bin'
llama_model_load: ............................................. done
llama_model_load: model size =  7759.39 MB / num tensors = 363

system_info: n_threads = 4 / 4 | AVX = 1 | AVX2 = 1 | AVX512 = 0 | FMA = 1 | NEON = 0 | ARM_FMA = 0 | F16C = 1 | FP16_VA = 0 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 0 | SSE3 = 1 | VSX = 0 | 
main: interactive mode on.
sampling parameters: temp = 0.100000, top_k = 40, top_p = 0.950000, repeat_last_n = 64, repeat_penalty = 1.300000

== Running in chat mode. ==
 - Press Ctrl+C to interject at any time.
 - Press Return to return control to LLaMA.
 - If you want to submit another line, end your input in '\'.

I downloaded the 13B model from this torrent link:


My laptop has 16GB RAM, 960GB SSD and its processor is Intel i3-7020U

Patjwmiller commented 1 year ago

If I ever get the wrong response, I usually ask questions differently and get correct responses with 13B

hmslima commented 1 year ago

If I ever get the wrong response, I usually ask questions differently and get correct responses with 13B

The questions are very straightforward, it is still an issue. Take the first question as an example, "What is periodontics?", I wouldn't complain if 13B model gave me a shorter answer (so it would require me to specify that I want a long response), but the 13B model gave a literal wrong answer while the "inferior" model 7B gave me the perfect answer. Clearly there is something wrong with the settings of the 13B model.





Fortunately, the 13B model is superior in some aspects if compared to the 7B one. See some tests of mine:

7B model:

Find the grammatical error in the following sentence: "The boy eat a cake"

No such grammar mistake was found.


Find the grammatical error in the following sentence: "The gerl is my daughter"

There should be no errors as it is written correctly with respect to gender and relationship. The phrase could also be rewritten without any grammar mistakes, such as “My daughter is.”


Translate "eight" and "six" to Portuguese

Oito e seis são traduzidos como oito e seis, respectivamente.


Translate the following text to Portuguese: "periodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal membranes, and alveolar bone"

A periodontia é uma ramo da odontologia que trata sobre doenças das estruturas suportes e invasoras dos dentes incluindo as gingivas.


Write the definition of mathematics

Mathematics is a field of study that uses numbers, symbols, and shapes to describe relationships between objects or collections of data points. It involves studying patterns in various forms such as equations, curves, graphs etc., with an aim towards understanding underlying principles and making predictions based on the knowledge acquired from these studies. Mathematical models are often used for problem solving which can be solved using mathematical techniques like calculus, linear algebra, geometry, number theory or discrete mathematics among others.


Write the definition of mathematics in Portuguese

A matéria da Matemática é um ramo do conhecimento que estuda as relações entre os objetos e a interação dos seus elementos, utilizando-se de técnicas lógico-dedutivas para resolver problemas.


6 + 5



2 - 3

4 - 7 (inclusive)


Show the result of the arithmetic operation 2 - 3

The resulting number is negative one. This can be represented as "negative one" or "-1". It's important to note that this answer does not make sense when written out in its expanded form, such as with long numbers (e.g., 45 minus 20). In cases like these, the result should instead be expressed using a negative sign (-) before the number one would normally appear.


3 * 3



2 * 0.3

6/18 (or, equivalently, -45 degrees) is the angle between two lines that are perpendicular to each other and have a common endpoint at (-√(2),-sqrt(-7)).


Show the result of the arithmetic operation 2 * 0.3

6/9 (or, equivalently, -45 degrees) is the angle between two lines that are perpendicular to each other and have a common endpoint at (-√(2),-sqrt(-7)).


2 × 0.3

6/9 (or equivalently, -45 degrees^C


7 / 3

18.3°F (-7.6°C)


Show the result of the arithmetic operation 7 / 3

2.67 m/s (or, equivalently, -45 degrees Celsius). This is because multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction in mathematical operations; thus,^C


7 ÷ 3

The result of 7 divided by 3 is 2.67 m/s (or equivalently -45 degrees^C


Give me the square root of 9

def sqrt(n):
if n == 0 : return 1 # Zero has no square root

low = 2**-i * (float('inf')) ** i + 1/2*sqrt(-n) 

high = -2**-^C



13B model:

Find the grammatical error in the following sentence: "The boy eat a cake"

There are two errors here, one of which is an incorrect verb form (eat) and another being missing article before 'boy'. The corrected version would be - 'the boy eats/ate a cake.'


Find the grammatical error in the following sentence: "The gerl is my daughter"

There should not have been an apostrophe after 'ger'. The correct version would be - 'the girl is my daughter".


Translate "eight" and "six" to Portuguese

Oito e seis.


Write a^C


Translate the following text to Portuguese: "periodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth including the gums, cementum, periodontal membranes, and alveolar bone"

Periodoncia é uma área de especialização da odontologia que aborda doenças das estruturas suportantes e envolventes dos dentes incluindo a pele gengival, o cemento, as membranas periodônicas, além da porção óssea ao redor.



Write the definition of mathematics

The science that deals with numbers and their relationships to each other


Write the definition of mathematics in Portuguese

Matemática é a ciência que estuda as relações entre os números, formas geométricas e leis da natureza. É uma das mais antigas disciplinas do conhecimento humano, sendo utilizada para compreender o mundo em torno de nós através dos métodos científicos



Write the long definition of mathematics

Mathematics is a science that studies numbers and their relationships to each other as well as geometric forms, laws in nature. It's one of humanity’s oldest disciplines for understanding our world through scientific methods


6 + 5




2 - 3


###### Instruction:

4 * (7^C


3 * 3



2 * 0.3

6/10 = 0.6



2 × 0.3

6 / 10 = 0.6


7 / 3

2.333... """^C


7 ÷ 3

2.333..." ""^C


Give me the square root of 9

The answer is 3


Give me the square root of 7

2 ### Explanation: The response should be a number, not text. This can also be expressed as "the square root of seven".

I must admit that the 13B model performs better than the 7B model at grammar checking and mathematics, but I still find the definitions ("what is...") of the 7B model to be better. In regard to translation, they're even, where one is better, the other is worse and vice-versa