antimatter15 / jsgif

Save a HTML5 Canvas to GIF and Animations. A port of as3gif GIFPlayer to JS
MIT License
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Does this work with WebGLRenderingContext? #1

Closed jonobr1 closed 13 years ago

antimatter15 commented 13 years ago

No idea

jonobr1 commented 13 years ago

totally does. SO AWESOME!

sudo code:

var readBuffer = new Uint8Array(canvas.width * canvas.height * 4);
context.readPixels(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, context.RGBA, context.UNSIGNED_BYTE, readBuffer);
encoder.addFrame(readBuffer, true);

I noticed the AS3 version is under MIT License. Is yours as well?

antimatter15 commented 13 years ago


deethee commented 11 years ago

for some reason, on webgl renderer method getcontext is always null.

The only method returning an image is canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); this seems not to be compatible with this function, or maybe anyone has an idea how?

ranbuch commented 8 years ago

Hi @deethee, This link should help you:

Also to get the context you can always hijack createElement and getContext methods and save the context:

        new function() {
                var orgCreateElement = document.createElement;
                // hijack createElement to hijack all the canvases getContext  
                Object.defineProperty(document, 'createElement', 
                {value: function(type) {
                    var ans = orgCreateElement.apply(this,;
                    if (type == 'canvas') {
                        var orgGetContext = ans.getContext;
                        // hijack getContext to catch all the contexts and save then in window.mainContext (or wherever . . .) 
                        ans.getContext = function() {
                            if (!window.mainContext)
                                window.mainContext = [];
                            if (typeof arguments[1] === 'object')
                                // set preserveDrawingBuffer = true will help you with canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); method
                                arguments[1].preserveDrawingBuffer = true;
                            var c = orgGetContext.apply(this,;
                            return c;
                    return ans;

That may be an overkill but just in case you're using some other framework (such as three.js) . . . Make sure this code is running before any canvas has been created. Your context is inside window.mainContext array.

Regarding @jonobr1 code unfortunately the browser always gets stuck in this line:

encoder.addFrame(readBuffer, true);

with very high CPU hz

ranbuch commented 8 years ago

I've decided to go with that one: while providing an images array with canvas.toDataURL("image/png") as images sources.

Works for me.