antimof / UxPlay

AirPlay Unix mirroring server
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.27k stars 177 forks source link

No audio on raspberry pi 3b plus #141

Open myagizmaktav opened 9 months ago

myagizmaktav commented 9 months ago

I tried every audio sink, I searched on the internet I found to increase GPU memory but not fixed.

My tv is old it only covers 800x600 px around 30 fps. Do you have any idea what can I do? Thanks.

my bash history:

fox@raspberrypi:~ $ cd uxplay/
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay $ cd UxPlay/
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay $ cd build/
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -h
UxPlay 1.65: An open-source AirPlay mirroring server.
=========== Website: ==========
Usage: ./uxplay [-n name] [-s wxh] [-p [n]] [(other options)]
-n name   Specify the network name of the AirPlay server
-nh       Do not add "@hostname" at the end of AirPlay server name
-vsync [x]Mirror mode: sync audio to video using timestamps (default)
          x is optional audio delay: millisecs, decimal, can be neg.
-vsync no Switch off audio/(server)video timestamp synchronization
-async [x]Audio-Only mode: sync audio to client video (default: no)
-async no Switch off audio/(client)video timestamp synchronization
-s wxh[@r]Set display resolution [refresh_rate] default 1920x1080[@60]
-o        Set display "overscanned" mode on (not usually needed)
-fs       Full-screen (only works with X11, Wayland and VAAPI)
-p        Use legacy ports UDP 6000:6001:7011 TCP 7000:7001:7100
-p n      Use TCP and UDP ports n,n+1,n+2. range 1024-65535
          use "-p n1,n2,n3" to set each port, "n1,n2" for n3 = n2+1
          "-p tcp n" or "-p udp n" sets TCP or UDP ports separately
-avdec    Force software h264 video decoding with libav decoder
-vp ...   Choose the GSteamer h264 parser: default "h264parse"
-vd ...   Choose the GStreamer h264 decoder; default "decodebin"
          choices: (software) avdec_h264; (hardware) v4l2h264dec,
          nvdec, nvh264dec, vaapih64dec, vtdec,etc.
          choices: avdec_h264,vaapih264dec,nvdec,nvh264dec,v4l2h264dec
-vc ...   Choose the GStreamer videoconverter; default "videoconvert"
          another choice when using v4l2h264decode: v4l2convert
-vs ...   Choose the GStreamer videosink; default "autovideosink"
          some choices: ximagesink,xvimagesink,vaapisink,glimagesink,
          gtksink,waylandsink,osximagesink,kmssink,d3d11videosink etc.
-vs 0     Streamed audio only, with no video display window
-v4l2     Use Video4Linux2 for GPU hardware h264 decoding
-bt709    A workaround (bt709 color) sometimes needed on RPi
-rpi      Same as "-v4l2" (for RPi=Raspberry Pi).
-rpigl    Same as "-rpi -vs glimagesink" for RPi.
-rpifb    Same as "-rpi -vs kmssink" for RPi using framebuffer.
-rpiwl    Same as "-rpi -vs waylandsink" for RPi using Wayland.
-as ...   Choose the GStreamer audiosink; default "autoaudiosink"
          some choices:pulsesink,alsasink,pipewiresink,jackaudiosink,
-as 0     (or -a)  Turn audio off, streamed video only
-al x     Audio latency in seconds (default 0.25) reported to client.
-ca <fn>  In Airplay Audio (ALAC) mode, write cover-art to file <fn>
-reset n  Reset after 3n seconds client silence (default 5, 0=never)
-nc       do Not Close video window when client stops mirroring
-nohold   Drop current connection when new client connects.
-FPSdata  Show video-streaming performance reports sent by client.
-fps n    Set maximum allowed streaming framerate, default 30
-f {H|V|I}Horizontal|Vertical flip, or both=Inversion=rotate 180 deg
-r {R|L}  Rotate 90 degrees Right (cw) or Left (ccw)
-m        Use random MAC address (use for concurrent UxPlay's)
-vdmp [n] Dump h264 video output to "fn.h264"; fn="videodump",change
          with "-vdmp [n] filename". If [n] is given, file fn.x.h264
          x=1,2,.. opens whenever a new SPS/PPS NAL arrives, and <=n
          NAL units are dumped.
-admp [n] Dump audio output to "fn.x.fmt", fmt ={aac, alac, aud}, x
          =1,2,..; fn="audiodump"; change with "-admp [n] filename".
          x increases when audio format changes. If n is given, <= n
          audio packets are dumped. "aud"= unknown format.
-d        Enable debug logging
-v        Displays version information
-h        Displays this help
Startup options in $UXPLAYRC, ~/.uxplayrc, or ~/.config/uxplayrc are
applied first (command-line options may modify them): format is one
option per line, no initial "-"; lines starting with "#" are ignored.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -al
invalid argument -al -al: must be a decimal time offset in seconds, range [0,10]
(like 5 or 4.8, which will be converted to a whole number of microseconds)
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ^C
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ^C
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -admp aac
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
dump audio using "-admp aac"
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
Removing connection for socket 36
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 38
^Cfox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -ca testSound
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
any AirPlay audio cover-art will be written to file  testSound
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -vsync
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -h
UxPlay 1.65: An open-source AirPlay mirroring server.
=========== Website: ==========
Usage: ./uxplay [-n name] [-s wxh] [-p [n]] [(other options)]
-n name   Specify the network name of the AirPlay server
-nh       Do not add "@hostname" at the end of AirPlay server name
-vsync [x]Mirror mode: sync audio to video using timestamps (default)
          x is optional audio delay: millisecs, decimal, can be neg.
-vsync no Switch off audio/(server)video timestamp synchronization
-async [x]Audio-Only mode: sync audio to client video (default: no)
-async no Switch off audio/(client)video timestamp synchronization
-s wxh[@r]Set display resolution [refresh_rate] default 1920x1080[@60]
-o        Set display "overscanned" mode on (not usually needed)
-fs       Full-screen (only works with X11, Wayland and VAAPI)
-p        Use legacy ports UDP 6000:6001:7011 TCP 7000:7001:7100
-p n      Use TCP and UDP ports n,n+1,n+2. range 1024-65535
          use "-p n1,n2,n3" to set each port, "n1,n2" for n3 = n2+1
          "-p tcp n" or "-p udp n" sets TCP or UDP ports separately
-avdec    Force software h264 video decoding with libav decoder
-vp ...   Choose the GSteamer h264 parser: default "h264parse"
-vd ...   Choose the GStreamer h264 decoder; default "decodebin"
          choices: (software) avdec_h264; (hardware) v4l2h264dec,
          nvdec, nvh264dec, vaapih64dec, vtdec,etc.
          choices: avdec_h264,vaapih264dec,nvdec,nvh264dec,v4l2h264dec
-vc ...   Choose the GStreamer videoconverter; default "videoconvert"
          another choice when using v4l2h264decode: v4l2convert
-vs ...   Choose the GStreamer videosink; default "autovideosink"
          some choices: ximagesink,xvimagesink,vaapisink,glimagesink,
          gtksink,waylandsink,osximagesink,kmssink,d3d11videosink etc.
-vs 0     Streamed audio only, with no video display window
-v4l2     Use Video4Linux2 for GPU hardware h264 decoding
-bt709    A workaround (bt709 color) sometimes needed on RPi
-rpi      Same as "-v4l2" (for RPi=Raspberry Pi).
-rpigl    Same as "-rpi -vs glimagesink" for RPi.
-rpifb    Same as "-rpi -vs kmssink" for RPi using framebuffer.
-rpiwl    Same as "-rpi -vs waylandsink" for RPi using Wayland.
-as ...   Choose the GStreamer audiosink; default "autoaudiosink"
          some choices:pulsesink,alsasink,pipewiresink,jackaudiosink,
-as 0     (or -a)  Turn audio off, streamed video only
-al x     Audio latency in seconds (default 0.25) reported to client.
-ca <fn>  In Airplay Audio (ALAC) mode, write cover-art to file <fn>
-reset n  Reset after 3n seconds client silence (default 5, 0=never)
-nc       do Not Close video window when client stops mirroring
-nohold   Drop current connection when new client connects.
-FPSdata  Show video-streaming performance reports sent by client.
-fps n    Set maximum allowed streaming framerate, default 30
-f {H|V|I}Horizontal|Vertical flip, or both=Inversion=rotate 180 deg
-r {R|L}  Rotate 90 degrees Right (cw) or Left (ccw)
-m        Use random MAC address (use for concurrent UxPlay's)
-vdmp [n] Dump h264 video output to "fn.h264"; fn="videodump",change
          with "-vdmp [n] filename". If [n] is given, file fn.x.h264
          x=1,2,.. opens whenever a new SPS/PPS NAL arrives, and <=n
          NAL units are dumped.
-admp [n] Dump audio output to "fn.x.fmt", fmt ={aac, alac, aud}, x
          =1,2,..; fn="audiodump"; change with "-admp [n] filename".
          x increases when audio format changes. If n is given, <= n
          audio packets are dumped. "aud"= unknown format.
-d        Enable debug logging
-v        Displays version information
-h        Displays this help
Startup options in $UXPLAYRC, ~/.uxplayrc, or ~/.config/uxplayrc are
applied first (command-line options may modify them): format is one
option per line, no initial "-"; lines starting with "#" are ignored.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -vsync no
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ^C
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ^C
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -async yes
unknown option yes, stopping (for help use option "-h")
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -async
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
Removing connection for socket 36
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 38
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ^C
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -async no
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -h
UxPlay 1.65: An open-source AirPlay mirroring server.
=========== Website: ==========
Usage: ./uxplay [-n name] [-s wxh] [-p [n]] [(other options)]
-n name   Specify the network name of the AirPlay server
-nh       Do not add "@hostname" at the end of AirPlay server name
-vsync [x]Mirror mode: sync audio to video using timestamps (default)
          x is optional audio delay: millisecs, decimal, can be neg.
-vsync no Switch off audio/(server)video timestamp synchronization
-async [x]Audio-Only mode: sync audio to client video (default: no)
-async no Switch off audio/(client)video timestamp synchronization
-s wxh[@r]Set display resolution [refresh_rate] default 1920x1080[@60]
-o        Set display "overscanned" mode on (not usually needed)
-fs       Full-screen (only works with X11, Wayland and VAAPI)
-p        Use legacy ports UDP 6000:6001:7011 TCP 7000:7001:7100
-p n      Use TCP and UDP ports n,n+1,n+2. range 1024-65535
          use "-p n1,n2,n3" to set each port, "n1,n2" for n3 = n2+1
          "-p tcp n" or "-p udp n" sets TCP or UDP ports separately
-avdec    Force software h264 video decoding with libav decoder
-vp ...   Choose the GSteamer h264 parser: default "h264parse"
-vd ...   Choose the GStreamer h264 decoder; default "decodebin"
          choices: (software) avdec_h264; (hardware) v4l2h264dec,
          nvdec, nvh264dec, vaapih64dec, vtdec,etc.
          choices: avdec_h264,vaapih264dec,nvdec,nvh264dec,v4l2h264dec
-vc ...   Choose the GStreamer videoconverter; default "videoconvert"
          another choice when using v4l2h264decode: v4l2convert
-vs ...   Choose the GStreamer videosink; default "autovideosink"
          some choices: ximagesink,xvimagesink,vaapisink,glimagesink,
          gtksink,waylandsink,osximagesink,kmssink,d3d11videosink etc.
-vs 0     Streamed audio only, with no video display window
-v4l2     Use Video4Linux2 for GPU hardware h264 decoding
-bt709    A workaround (bt709 color) sometimes needed on RPi
-rpi      Same as "-v4l2" (for RPi=Raspberry Pi).
-rpigl    Same as "-rpi -vs glimagesink" for RPi.
-rpifb    Same as "-rpi -vs kmssink" for RPi using framebuffer.
-rpiwl    Same as "-rpi -vs waylandsink" for RPi using Wayland.
-as ...   Choose the GStreamer audiosink; default "autoaudiosink"
          some choices:pulsesink,alsasink,pipewiresink,jackaudiosink,
-as 0     (or -a)  Turn audio off, streamed video only
-al x     Audio latency in seconds (default 0.25) reported to client.
-ca <fn>  In Airplay Audio (ALAC) mode, write cover-art to file <fn>
-reset n  Reset after 3n seconds client silence (default 5, 0=never)
-nc       do Not Close video window when client stops mirroring
-nohold   Drop current connection when new client connects.
-FPSdata  Show video-streaming performance reports sent by client.
-fps n    Set maximum allowed streaming framerate, default 30
-f {H|V|I}Horizontal|Vertical flip, or both=Inversion=rotate 180 deg
-r {R|L}  Rotate 90 degrees Right (cw) or Left (ccw)
-m        Use random MAC address (use for concurrent UxPlay's)
-vdmp [n] Dump h264 video output to "fn.h264"; fn="videodump",change
          with "-vdmp [n] filename". If [n] is given, file fn.x.h264
          x=1,2,.. opens whenever a new SPS/PPS NAL arrives, and <=n
          NAL units are dumped.
-admp [n] Dump audio output to "fn.x.fmt", fmt ={aac, alac, aud}, x
          =1,2,..; fn="audiodump"; change with "-admp [n] filename".
          x increases when audio format changes. If n is given, <= n
          audio packets are dumped. "aud"= unknown format.
-d        Enable debug logging
-v        Displays version information
-h        Displays this help
Startup options in $UXPLAYRC, ~/.uxplayrc, or ~/.config/uxplayrc are
applied first (command-line options may modify them): format is one
option per line, no initial "-"; lines starting with "#" are ignored.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600[@30]
invalid "-s 800x600[@30]"; -s wxh : max w,h=9999; -s wxh@r : max r=255
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600[30]
invalid "-s 800x600[30]"; -s wxh : max w,h=9999; -s wxh@r : max r=255
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600[#30]
invalid "-s 800x600[#30]"; -s wxh : max w,h=9999; -s wxh@r : max r=255
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600 -s @30
invalid "-s @30"; -s wxh : max w,h=9999; -s wxh@r : max r=255
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -vd nvdec
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.

** (uxplay:1753): ERROR **: 20:45:44.861: get_parse_launch error (video) :
 no element "nvdec"

Trace/breakpoint trap
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -vd nvh264dec
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.

** (uxplay:1754): ERROR **: 20:46:24.946: get_parse_launch error (video) :
 no element "nvh264dec"

Trace/breakpoint trap
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -vs 0
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 20
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 22
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -vs 1
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.

** (uxplay:1770): ERROR **: 20:47:39.711: get_parse_launch error (video) :
 no element "1"

Trace/breakpoint trap
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -vl412
unknown option -vl412, stopping (for help use option "-h")
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -v4l2
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 33
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 35
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
GStreamer error: failed to activate bufferpool
Removing connection for socket 33
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 35
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 33
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 35
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
raop_rtp starting audio
GStreamer error: failed to activate bufferpool
Removing connection for socket 33
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 35

(uxplay:1773): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 20:48:28.938: _gst_util_uint64_scale: assertion 'denom != 0' failed

(uxplay:1773): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 20:48:28.939: gst_segment_to_running_time: assertion 'segment->format == format' failed

(uxplay:1773): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 20:48:28.939: gst_segment_to_stream_time: assertion 'segment->format == format' failed
Initialized server socket(s)
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -as alsasink
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -h
UxPlay 1.65: An open-source AirPlay mirroring server.
=========== Website: ==========
Usage: ./uxplay [-n name] [-s wxh] [-p [n]] [(other options)]
-n name   Specify the network name of the AirPlay server
-nh       Do not add "@hostname" at the end of AirPlay server name
-vsync [x]Mirror mode: sync audio to video using timestamps (default)
          x is optional audio delay: millisecs, decimal, can be neg.
-vsync no Switch off audio/(server)video timestamp synchronization
-async [x]Audio-Only mode: sync audio to client video (default: no)
-async no Switch off audio/(client)video timestamp synchronization
-s wxh[@r]Set display resolution [refresh_rate] default 1920x1080[@60]
-o        Set display "overscanned" mode on (not usually needed)
-fs       Full-screen (only works with X11, Wayland and VAAPI)
-p        Use legacy ports UDP 6000:6001:7011 TCP 7000:7001:7100
-p n      Use TCP and UDP ports n,n+1,n+2. range 1024-65535
          use "-p n1,n2,n3" to set each port, "n1,n2" for n3 = n2+1
          "-p tcp n" or "-p udp n" sets TCP or UDP ports separately
-avdec    Force software h264 video decoding with libav decoder
-vp ...   Choose the GSteamer h264 parser: default "h264parse"
-vd ...   Choose the GStreamer h264 decoder; default "decodebin"
          choices: (software) avdec_h264; (hardware) v4l2h264dec,
          nvdec, nvh264dec, vaapih64dec, vtdec,etc.
          choices: avdec_h264,vaapih264dec,nvdec,nvh264dec,v4l2h264dec
-vc ...   Choose the GStreamer videoconverter; default "videoconvert"
          another choice when using v4l2h264decode: v4l2convert
-vs ...   Choose the GStreamer videosink; default "autovideosink"
          some choices: ximagesink,xvimagesink,vaapisink,glimagesink,
          gtksink,waylandsink,osximagesink,kmssink,d3d11videosink etc.
-vs 0     Streamed audio only, with no video display window
-v4l2     Use Video4Linux2 for GPU hardware h264 decoding
-bt709    A workaround (bt709 color) sometimes needed on RPi
-rpi      Same as "-v4l2" (for RPi=Raspberry Pi).
-rpigl    Same as "-rpi -vs glimagesink" for RPi.
-rpifb    Same as "-rpi -vs kmssink" for RPi using framebuffer.
-rpiwl    Same as "-rpi -vs waylandsink" for RPi using Wayland.
-as ...   Choose the GStreamer audiosink; default "autoaudiosink"
          some choices:pulsesink,alsasink,pipewiresink,jackaudiosink,
-as 0     (or -a)  Turn audio off, streamed video only
-al x     Audio latency in seconds (default 0.25) reported to client.
-ca <fn>  In Airplay Audio (ALAC) mode, write cover-art to file <fn>
-reset n  Reset after 3n seconds client silence (default 5, 0=never)
-nc       do Not Close video window when client stops mirroring
-nohold   Drop current connection when new client connects.
-FPSdata  Show video-streaming performance reports sent by client.
-fps n    Set maximum allowed streaming framerate, default 30
-f {H|V|I}Horizontal|Vertical flip, or both=Inversion=rotate 180 deg
-r {R|L}  Rotate 90 degrees Right (cw) or Left (ccw)
-m        Use random MAC address (use for concurrent UxPlay's)
-vdmp [n] Dump h264 video output to "fn.h264"; fn="videodump",change
          with "-vdmp [n] filename". If [n] is given, file fn.x.h264
          x=1,2,.. opens whenever a new SPS/PPS NAL arrives, and <=n
          NAL units are dumped.
-admp [n] Dump audio output to "fn.x.fmt", fmt ={aac, alac, aud}, x
          =1,2,..; fn="audiodump"; change with "-admp [n] filename".
          x increases when audio format changes. If n is given, <= n
          audio packets are dumped. "aud"= unknown format.
-d        Enable debug logging
-v        Displays version information
-h        Displays this help
Startup options in $UXPLAYRC, ~/.uxplayrc, or ~/.config/uxplayrc are
applied first (command-line options may modify them): format is one
option per line, no initial "-"; lines starting with "#" are ignored.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -as pulsesink
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
Removing connection for socket 36
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 38
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -as pipewiresink
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.

** (uxplay:1858): ERROR **: 20:50:20.828: gst_parse_launch error (audio 1):
 no element "pipewiresink"

Trace/breakpoint trap
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -as osssink
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
Removing connection for socket 36
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 38
^Cfox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -as jackaudiosink
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
using system MAC address b8:27:eb:80:47:d3
Initialized server socket(s)
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 36
Client identified as User-Agent: AirPlay/665.13.1
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 38
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Begin streaming to GStreamer video pipeline
ct=8 spf=480 usingScreen=1 isMedia=1  audioFormat=0x1000000
start audio connection, format AAC-ELD 44100/2
raop_rtp starting audio
Removing connection for socket 36
raop_rtp_mirror->running is no longer true
Removing connection for socket 38
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30 -as directsoundsink
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.

** (uxplay:1898): ERROR **: 20:52:01.797: gst_parse_launch error (audio 1):
 no element "directsoundsink"

Trace/breakpoint trap
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ sudo ./uxplay -n ONALAIRPLAY2 -bt709 -nohold -nh -s 800x600@30
UxPlay 1.65: An Open-Source AirPlay mirroring and audio-streaming server.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ ^C
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $ sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad is already the newest version (1.18.4-3+deb11u1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  geoip-database libgeoip1 libpkgconf3 python3-attr python3-cached-property python3-docker python3-dockerpty python3-docopt python3-importlib-metadata python3-jsonschema python3-more-itertools python3-pyrsistent python3-texttable python3-websocket python3-yaml python3-zipp
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 28 not upgraded.
fox@raspberrypi:~/uxplay/UxPlay/build $
fduncanh commented 9 months ago
  1. Please post your issues at
  2. are you using Raspberry Pi OS (Bullseye) (the current release)?
  3. Have you got working audio set up on your R Pi 3b+? (before using uxplay)
  4. why are you showing the -h help text? did you put this option in your startup file?