antisnatchor / phishlulz

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SSHd not started #5

Open tchangth1 opened 7 years ago

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

hi, I followed until the final part of step 8. After this command:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-111:~/phishlulz-master$ ruby phish_lulz.rb -a create

I encounter problems in: [-] SSHd has not started yet, waiting 10 seconds and trying again... [+] Checking if SSHd has started... [-] Giving up. Instance is running but not properly configured. [+] Executing command: mysql -u pf_prod -e 'UPDATE global_settings SET site_url="" WHERE id=1;' pf_prod [-] ERROR: Is a directory @ io_fread - /home/ubuntu/phishlulz-master

The config.yaml is here: provider: "AWS" region: "us-west-2"

instance type and AMI id

instance: type: "t1.micro" ami: "ami-42e86e22" security: key_id: "AKIAIQ2KXIMY5LVLY6SQ" access_key: "XbwIEBDRm/V5z+RZFSmNGMNNApbye7VJZBclj+Bp" keypair_name: "frenzy" # SSH public key on Amazon AWS keypair_path: "/home/ubuntu/phishlulz-master/" # path to SSH private key on$ ssh_user: "admin" security_group: "sg-50e7c136" # default security $

passphrase for root and intermediate CA required to generate SSL certifica$

ca_passphrase: "phish_lulz_ca_wow!" registrar:

TODO -- NOTE this is not finished yet. check the code in namecheap_wrapper$

provider: "namecheap" debug: true endpoint: "" whitelisted_ip: "your_ip" user: "sandbox_user" key: "sandbox_key"

I had also set up the security group: image

Where are the potential areas for me to resolve this issue? Thanks

JamesCooteUK commented 7 years ago


Thanks for following along with my guide.

Your issue is on the keypair_path line of your config.yaml. You need to include the filename as well, so keypair_path: "/home/ubuntu/phishlulz-master/"


keypair_path: "/home/ubuntu/phishlulz-master/frenzy.pem"

And make sure your keypair is in that directory and called frenzy.pem.

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

James, you are right. it is resolved. the certificate will last for 14 days. i assume the system will stop functioning after 2 mar 2017. how much does it cost to move to production? Once again thanks for pointing me to the right direction

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

The website is running. As shown in the picture BeEF is not running and PF is saying sidekiq is not running. When I did screen -r BeEF it returns "There is no screen resumed matching BeEF". I am clueless as to what are the underlying problems. Any help would be appreciated. thanks sidekiq

JamesCooteUK commented 7 years ago

Make sure you're running as root

sudo bash

then list the screen sessions

screen -ls

and you should see BeEF. Note, this is on your AWS instance, not your local Linux machine.

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I tried. But same thing image

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

A separate issue is about email sending. I had it running yesterday. But today it is not working: image

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

yesterday the email was green and google shown the IP and date/time correctly. Today Email is red and google also shown correctly (I did a campaign test at local time 11:07am), and i did sidekiq -d -C config/sidekiq.yml (to make sure sidekiq is working). How to turn the Email light to green? thx

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

this is the log from "Recent Blasts" image

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

the strange thing is the Email light is still red, but I had received the email. Any idea what is going go? also i manually start sidekiq with : bundle exec sidekiq -d -P tmp/ -L log/sidekiq.log -C config/sidekiq.yml (to make sure sidekiq is started)

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

sorry for the false alarms. Email is Red is because I was in "test" and not "Launch". When I launched it became: image

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

But I still to know how to do screen -r BeEF. thx

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

sorry to be a bit long-winded just thought I should supply all the relevant info for you to understand (so that you could help me out) image

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

i started out BeEF using your command bash &. If i don't do CTRL a and then CTRL E, it would just stay above [1]+ Done ... line. But when I did the CTRL keys there are debug1 shown. I had also tried to let it run there, but the effect is the same. that is there is nothing shown on screen -ls or screen -r BeEF. once again thanks for the help

tchangth1 commented 7 years ago

i ran 5x and the screen show up. thx for listening
