The first one specifies which VC a user has to join to start creating a new OPS VC, second is the same but to create a Wing VC.
OPS has a 75 user limit and Wing has a 4 user limit.
The third one specifies which Category the VCs will be created in. Also creates logs so you can see who started/ended a VC channel.
Also, you will have to re-invite the bot with updated OAuth Permissions:
Manage Channels - to create/remove VCs
Move Members - to move people to new VCs once they are formed.
Adding capabilities to support creating OPS and Wing VCs on demand.
For the bot side, you will need to add 3 values to the .env:
The first one specifies which VC a user has to join to start creating a new OPS VC, second is the same but to create a Wing VC. OPS has a 75 user limit and Wing has a 4 user limit.
The third one specifies which Category the VCs will be created in. Also creates logs so you can see who started/ended a VC channel.
Also, you will have to re-invite the bot with updated OAuth Permissions: Manage Channels - to create/remove VCs Move Members - to move people to new VCs once they are formed.
To see functionality: - AXI Devops channel link/ footage of this feature in action.
Adding Sorting logic to /ranks -> challenge rank outputs by rank holder counts
Adding ephemeral tags to /cg so it doesn't clog channels. (only the command invoker can see the reply)