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changes to mbooni and mttot, add DCoH command #120

Closed Airom42 closed 1 year ago

Airom42 commented 1 year ago

This PR changes the /mbooni command to a broader /preengineered command. It also adds modshards, modplasmas, and enhanced AXMCs to /mttot, as well as giving a weapon name readout instead of just codes. Also changes accuracy to an optional parameter (default is now 100%). Also adds a /dcoh command, for linking to DCoH Overwatch.

Airom42 commented 1 year ago

Pushed a new commit, which adds every single AX weapon to mttot. I also recalculated all of the sustained dps values directly from in-game damage. Note that this assumes that all human AX weapons have a 66% AX partition, which is estimated based on available experimental data.