antler119 / system_tray

A Flutter package that makes it easy to customize and work with your Flutter desktop app's system tray.
MIT License
214 stars 51 forks source link

systemTray.initSystemTray = Close Program #64

Open softplaceio opened 1 year ago

softplaceio commented 1 year ago

Hello, guys!

I just copied the Github code of the example and include a try/catch.

When it enters the line: Below the program closes alone.

Await systemtray.initsystemtray (title: "System tray," iconpath: Path, Tooltip: 'Test');

VSCODE -> Debug Console

Launching LIB/MAIN.dart on Linux in Debug Mode ...
main.dart: 1
Connecting to VM Service at WS: // 43941/ys2xpakwnnq =/WS
Method Call Initappwindow
Method Call initsystemtray
Lost Connection to Device.

My pubspec.yaml

    - assets/


Future<void> initSystemTray() async {
    String path = Platform.isWindows ? 'assets/zip.ico' : 'assets/zip.png';

    final AppWindow appWindow = AppWindow();
    final SystemTray systemTray = SystemTray();

    // We first init the systray menu
    try {
      await systemTray.initSystemTray(title: "system tray", iconPath: path, toolTip: 'test');
    } catch (err) {
      debugPrint("Err: $err");

    // create context menu
    final Menu menu = Menu();
    await menu.buildFrom([
      MenuItemLabel(label: 'Show', onClicked: (menuItem) =>,
      MenuItemLabel(label: 'Hide', onClicked: (menuItem) => appWindow.hide()),
      MenuItemLabel(label: 'Exit', onClicked: (menuItem) => appWindow.close()),

    // set context menu
    await systemTray.setContextMenu(menu);

    // handle system tray event
    systemTray.registerSystemTrayEventHandler((eventName) {
      debugPrint("eventName: $eventName");
      if (eventName == kSystemTrayEventClick) {
        Platform.isWindows ? : systemTray.popUpContextMenu();
      } else if (eventName == kSystemTrayEventRightClick) {
        Platform.isWindows ? systemTray.popUpContextMenu() :;




# Trying another way image

narumi147 commented 1 year ago

Same here, ArchLinux

method call InitSystemTray
[1]    3422 segmentation fault (core dumped)