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ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
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Add support for incremental lexing #2534

Open dberlin opened 5 years ago

dberlin commented 5 years ago

Pull request coming to add support for incremental lexing.

It requires small changes to the existing runtime (but breaks no API's)

I've pasted the doc on how it works below as a starting point (it is stored at It is a variation on Tim Wagner's algorithm described in his thesis. The main difference is that we don't compute or fixup lookback (which they use to optimize computation of the changed token set). Because the vast majority of programming language lexers (which is what my goal was) are only using 1-2 character lookahead, it is easier to just track what the max lookahead ever was in the input stream. In a world without zero length tokens, a max character lookahead of N means a max backwards dependency of N tokens (each 1 character). In a world with zero length tokens, it's N tokens + all zero length tokens until you hit N (IE they don't count against N). This is a hybrid between the two extremes the thesis presents (optimal computation of lookback vs fixed lookback). We could always add optimal lookback computation later, I have deliberately separated the change marking class from the IncrementalLexer class.

Incremental lexing


We'll start by explaining how incremental lexing works in a slightly simplified model, then extend it to all the things ANTLR does, and explain how we store the data.

Our simplified model of a lexer that we start with is that a lexer is a thing that looks at characters, and recognizes them into tokens. It produces a single token at a time. In our simplified model, we're gonna say they have states. In each state, they may do one of the following things:

There is no other input to the lexer or state.

If you are familiar with DFA's, our state model can be be viewed as a DFA that is allowed to use any part of the input stream as part of the transition function.

An incremental lexer is one that only re-lexes tokens that could have changed given a set of edits to the input stream. Ideally, it performs the minimal set of re-lexing possible.

Let's start by talking about what can actually change our simplified lexer's mind about a token. If you look at the above simplified lexer, it should hopefully be fairly obvious that if you change the input stream, the only things that can be affected are the accumulation of characters and the state transitioning. The accumulation of characters is easy to handle - it is directly affected by a text change and all tokens in that text change must be relexed.
This leaves looking at the input stream as the main way the lexer may be affected that we need to handle.

To know what tokens might be affected by a change in the input stream, we therefore have to know where the lexer was looking. If we do that, we can say "pleease re-lex any token between us and where the lexer looked".

This is in fact, exactly how the incremental lexer works.

Basic incremental lexing

The way this is implemented is to have an input stream that tracks how far lookahead went on each token. ANTLR has a standardized interface to looking ahead in input streams and creating token, and so for each token we track how far it looked ahead (or behind) and store it on each token. When an input stream changes, we re-lex tokens that looked into the changed area.

This actually covers the vast majority of what ANTLR's lexers can do. No matter whether the look ahead, behind, we will see where they looked and track it. It is technically possible to do discontiguous range lookahead tracking , but it turns out not to be worth it for any practical lexer. For real-world lexers, lookahead is normally continuous - they look at whether 'next character is "!"' and 'character after is "="' and 'character after that is "="', not just 'is the third character after us "="'. As such, we re-lex any tokens between the earliest token affected and the current one.

Practical simplification

The optimal algorithm (given in the reference below) for computing changes takes into account per-token lookahead, and only recomputes exactly the tokens necessary. For simplicity, we do not use this data at the moment. Instead, we also track the maximum lookahead overall used by the input stream. This is then used for all tokens ATM. For a given token that is directly changed, we mark all consecutive zero length tokens + N length 1+ tokens in each direction, where N is the max lookahead that was used in the stream. This is the maximal set of tokens that could have changed with N character lookahead, because that is the first token that could have looked into the space of characters of the changed token.

This avoids computation and fixup of earliest changed token information. Given that the vast majority of lexer grammars are max of either 1 or 2 character lookahead, it does not seem worth complex computation of changed data to save maybe a token worth of relex per change. Note that this is simply what is relexed. We properly hand optimal changed token information to the parser (IE relexed tokens that end up the same as the old token are not marked as changed for the parser).

Handling modes

While the ANTLR lexer is mostly stateless, ANTLR allows lexer modes. We handle these by storing and restoring the mode stack necessary to reprocess a given token. This could be made more efficient

Handling actions

Incremental lexers are fundamentally incompatible with actions that are stateful. Past that, actions are run as normal when a given token is re-lexed.

Outstanding issues


Practical algorithms for incremental software development:

dberlin commented 5 years ago

(Work can temporarily be tracked here: I'll backport to java once done. Current estimate is a week or two at the most)

dberlin commented 5 years ago

(I got suddenly slammed at work and then just had another child, so this will be a while, sorry.)

The algorithm works , and the code works, the part that was unfinished was making it generate the token changes for the parser to consume. So it re-lexed all the right pieces, and generated a correct stream, but did not generate the changes vs the previous stream. (In a perfect world, this is a waste of time, but at least for a first pass, this is how it should operate)