antlr / antlr4

ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
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Support UTF-32 escape sequences #276

Closed jbclements closed 7 years ago

jbclements commented 11 years ago

The pasted file contains a definition for the unicode XID_START character set. Processing it with the current git master causes this error:

jclements-09740:/tmp clements> java -jar /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.0.1-dev-complete.jar ./Bad.g4
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Serialized ATN data element out of range.
    at org.antlr.v4.automata.ATNSerializer.serialize(
    at org.antlr.v4.automata.ATNSerializer.getSerialized(
    at org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.SerializedATN.<init>(
    at org.antlr.v4.codegen.model.Lexer.<init>(
    at org.antlr.v4.codegen.OutputModelController.lexer(
    at org.antlr.v4.codegen.OutputModelController.buildLexerOutputModel(
    at org.antlr.v4.codegen.CodeGenerator.generateLexer(
    at org.antlr.v4.codegen.CodeGenPipeline.process(
    at org.antlr.v4.Tool.processNonCombinedGrammar(
    at org.antlr.v4.Tool.process(
    at org.antlr.v4.Tool.processGrammarsOnCommandLine(
    at org.antlr.v4.Tool.main(

... and, here's the file Bad.g4. It's 430 lines, just in case my copy buffer lost part of it:

grammar Bad;

              '\u0041' .. '\u005a'
            | '\u0061' .. '\u007a'
            | '\u00aa'
            | '\u00b5'
            | '\u00ba'
            | '\u00c0' .. '\u00d6'
            | '\u00d8' .. '\u00f6'
            | '\u00f8' .. '\u01ba'
            | '\u01bb'
            | '\u01bc' .. '\u01bf'
            | '\u01c0' .. '\u01c3'
            | '\u01c4' .. '\u0293'
            | '\u0294'
            | '\u0295' .. '\u02af'
            | '\u02b0' .. '\u02c1'
            | '\u02c6' .. '\u02d1'
            | '\u0ab5' .. '\u0ab9'
            | '\u0abd'
            | '\u0ad0'
            | '\u0ae0' .. '\u0ae1'
            | '\u0b05' .. '\u0b0c'
            | '\u0b0f' .. '\u0b10'
            | '\u0b13' .. '\u0b28'
            | '\u0b2a' .. '\u0b30'
            | '\u0b32' .. '\u0b33'
            | '\u0b35' .. '\u0b39'
            | '\u0b3d'
            | '\u0b5c' .. '\u0b5d'
            | '\u0b5f' .. '\u0b61'
            | '\u0b71'
            | '\u0b83'
            | '\u0b85' .. '\u0b8a'
            | '\u0b8e' .. '\u0b90'
            | '\u0b92' .. '\u0b95'
            | '\u0b99' .. '\u0b9a'
            | '\u0b9c'
            | '\u0b9e' .. '\u0b9f'
            | '\u0ba3' .. '\u0ba4'
            | '\u0ba8' .. '\u0baa'
            | '\u0bae' .. '\u0bb9'
            | '\u0bd0'
            | '\u0c05' .. '\u0c0c'
            | '\u0c0e' .. '\u0c10'
            | '\u0c12' .. '\u0c28'
            | '\u0c2a' .. '\u0c33'
            | '\u0c35' .. '\u0c39'
            | '\u0c3d'
            | '\u0c58' .. '\u0c59'
            | '\u0c60' .. '\u0c61'
            | '\u0c85' .. '\u0c8c'
            | '\u0c8e' .. '\u0c90'
            | '\u0c92' .. '\u0ca8'
            | '\u0caa' .. '\u0cb3'
            | '\u0cb5' .. '\u0cb9'
            | '\u0cbd'
            | '\u0cde'
            | '\u0ce0' .. '\u0ce1'
            | '\u0cf1' .. '\u0cf2'
            | '\u0d05' .. '\u0d0c'
            | '\u0d0e' .. '\u0d10'
            | '\u0d12' .. '\u0d3a'
            | '\u0d3d'
            | '\u0d4e'
            | '\u0d60' .. '\u0d61'
            | '\u0d7a' .. '\u0d7f'
            | '\u0d85' .. '\u0d96'
            | '\u0d9a' .. '\u0db1'
            | '\u0db3' .. '\u0dbb'
            | '\u0dbd'
            | '\u0dc0' .. '\u0dc6'
            | '\u0e01' .. '\u0e30'
            | '\u0e32'
            | '\u0e40' .. '\u0e45'
            | '\u0e46'
            | '\u0e81' .. '\u0e82'
            | '\u0e84'
            | '\u0e87' .. '\u0e88'
            | '\u0e8a'
            | '\u0e8d'
            | '\u0e94' .. '\u0e97'
            | '\u0e99' .. '\u0e9f'
            | '\u0ea1' .. '\u0ea3'
            | '\u0ea5'
            | '\u0ea7'
            | '\u0eaa' .. '\u0eab'
            | '\u0ead' .. '\u0eb0'
            | '\u0eb2'
            | '\u0ebd'
            | '\u0ec0' .. '\u0ec4'
            | '\u0ec6'
            | '\u0edc' .. '\u0edd'
            | '\u0f00'
            | '\u0f40' .. '\u0f47'
            | '\u0f49' .. '\u0f6c'
            | '\u0f88' .. '\u0f8c'
            | '\u1000' .. '\u102a'
            | '\u103f'
            | '\u1050' .. '\u1055'
            | '\u105a' .. '\u105d'
            | '\u1061'
            | '\u1065' .. '\u1066'
            | '\u106e' .. '\u1070'
            | '\u1075' .. '\u1081'
            | '\u108e'
            | '\u10a0' .. '\u10c5'
            | '\u10d0' .. '\u10fa'
            | '\u10fc'
            | '\u1100' .. '\u1248'
            | '\u124a' .. '\u124d'
            | '\u1250' .. '\u1256'
            | '\u1258'
            | '\u125a' .. '\u125d'
            | '\u1260' .. '\u1288'
            | '\u128a' .. '\u128d'
            | '\u1290' .. '\u12b0'
            | '\u12b2' .. '\u12b5'
            | '\u12b8' .. '\u12be'
            | '\u12c0'
            | '\u12c2' .. '\u12c5'
            | '\u12c8' .. '\u12d6'
            | '\u12d8' .. '\u1310'
            | '\u1312' .. '\u1315'
            | '\u1318' .. '\u135a'
            | '\u1380' .. '\u138f'
            | '\u13a0' .. '\u13f4'
            | '\u1401' .. '\u166c'
            | '\u166f' .. '\u167f'
            | '\u1681' .. '\u169a'
            | '\u16a0' .. '\u16ea'
            | '\u16ee' .. '\u16f0'
            | '\u1700' .. '\u170c'
            | '\u170e' .. '\u1711'
            | '\u1720' .. '\u1731'
            | '\u1740' .. '\u1751'
            | '\u1760' .. '\u176c'
            | '\u176e' .. '\u1770'
            | '\u1780' .. '\u17b3'
            | '\u17d7'
            | '\u17dc'
            | '\u1820' .. '\u1842'
            | '\u1843'
            | '\u1844' .. '\u1877'
            | '\u1880' .. '\u18a8'
            | '\u18aa'
            | '\u18b0' .. '\u18f5'
            | '\u1900' .. '\u191c'
            | '\u1950' .. '\u196d'
            | '\u1970' .. '\u1974'
            | '\u1980' .. '\u19ab'
            | '\u19c1' .. '\u19c7'
            | '\u1a00' .. '\u1a16'
            | '\u1a20' .. '\u1a54'
            | '\u1aa7'
            | '\u1b05' .. '\u1b33'
            | '\u1b45' .. '\u1b4b'
            | '\u1b83' .. '\u1ba0'
            | '\u1bae' .. '\u1baf'
            | '\u1bc0' .. '\u1be5'
            | '\u1c00' .. '\u1c23'
            | '\u1c4d' .. '\u1c4f'
            | '\u1c5a' .. '\u1c77'
            | '\u1c78' .. '\u1c7d'
            | '\u1ce9' .. '\u1cec'
            | '\u1cee' .. '\u1cf1'
            | '\u1d00' .. '\u1d2b'
            | '\u1d2c' .. '\u1d61'
            | '\u1d62' .. '\u1d77'
            | '\u1d78'
            | '\u1d79' .. '\u1d9a'
            | '\u1d9b' .. '\u1dbf'
            | '\u1e00' .. '\u1f15'
            | '\u1f18' .. '\u1f1d'
            | '\u1f20' .. '\u1f45'
            | '\u1f48' .. '\u1f4d'
            | '\u1f50' .. '\u1f57'
            | '\u1f59'
            | '\u1f5b'
            | '\u1f5d'
            | '\u1f5f' .. '\u1f7d'
            | '\u1f80' .. '\u1fb4'
            | '\u1fb6' .. '\u1fbc'
            | '\u1fbe'
            | '\u1fc2' .. '\u1fc4'
            | '\u1fc6' .. '\u1fcc'
            | '\u1fd0' .. '\u1fd3'
            | '\u1fd6' .. '\u1fdb'
            | '\u1fe0' .. '\u1fec'
            | '\u1ff2' .. '\u1ff4'
            | '\u1ff6' .. '\u1ffc'
            | '\u2071'
            | '\u207f'
            | '\u2090' .. '\u209c'
            | '\u2102'
            | '\u2107'
            | '\u210a' .. '\u2113'
            | '\u2115'
            | '\u2118'
            | '\u2119' .. '\u211d'
            | '\u2124'
            | '\u2126'
            | '\u2128'
            | '\u212a' .. '\u212d'
            | '\u212e'
            | '\u212f' .. '\u2134'
            | '\u2135' .. '\u2138'
            | '\u2139'
            | '\u213c' .. '\u213f'
            | '\u2145' .. '\u2149'
            | '\u214e'
            | '\u2160' .. '\u2182'
            | '\u2183' .. '\u2184'
            | '\u2185' .. '\u2188'
            | '\u2c00' .. '\u2c2e'
            | '\u2c30' .. '\u2c5e'
            | '\u2c60' .. '\u2c7c'
            | '\u2c7d'
            | '\u2c7e' .. '\u2ce4'
            | '\u2ceb' .. '\u2cee'
            | '\u2d00' .. '\u2d25'
            | '\u2d30' .. '\u2d65'
            | '\u2d6f'
            | '\u2d80' .. '\u2d96'
            | '\u2da0' .. '\u2da6'
            | '\u2da8' .. '\u2dae'
            | '\u2db0' .. '\u2db6'
            | '\u2db8' .. '\u2dbe'
            | '\u2dc0' .. '\u2dc6'
            | '\u2dc8' .. '\u2dce'
            | '\u2dd0' .. '\u2dd6'
            | '\u2dd8' .. '\u2dde'
            | '\u3005'
            | '\u3006'
            | '\u3007'
            | '\u3021' .. '\u3029'
            | '\u3031' .. '\u3035'
            | '\u3038' .. '\u303a'
            | '\u303b'
            | '\u303c'
            | '\u3041' .. '\u3096'
            | '\u309d' .. '\u309e'
            | '\u309f'
            | '\u30a1' .. '\u30fa'
            | '\u30fc' .. '\u30fe'
            | '\u30ff'
            | '\u3105' .. '\u312d'
            | '\u3131' .. '\u318e'
            | '\u31a0' .. '\u31ba'
            | '\u31f0' .. '\u31ff'
            | '\u3400' .. '\u4db5'
            | '\u4e00' .. '\u9fcb'
            | '\ua000' .. '\ua014'
            | '\ua015'
            | '\ua016' .. '\ua48c'
            | '\ua4d0' .. '\ua4f7'
            | '\ua4f8' .. '\ua4fd'
            | '\ua500' .. '\ua60b'
            | '\ua60c'
            | '\ua610' .. '\ua61f'
            | '\ua62a' .. '\ua62b'
            | '\ua640' .. '\ua66d'
            | '\ua66e'
            | '\ua67f'
            | '\ua680' .. '\ua697'
            | '\ua6a0' .. '\ua6e5'
            | '\ua6e6' .. '\ua6ef'
            | '\ua717' .. '\ua71f'
            | '\ua722' .. '\ua76f'
            | '\ua770'
            | '\ua771' .. '\ua787'
            | '\ua788'
            | '\ua78b' .. '\ua78e'
            | '\ua790' .. '\ua791'
            | '\ua7a0' .. '\ua7a9'
            | '\ua7fa'
            | '\ua7fb' .. '\ua801'
            | '\ua803' .. '\ua805'
            | '\ua807' .. '\ua80a'
            | '\ua80c' .. '\ua822'
            | '\ua840' .. '\ua873'
            | '\ua882' .. '\ua8b3'
            | '\ua8f2' .. '\ua8f7'
            | '\ua8fb'
            | '\ua90a' .. '\ua925'
            | '\ua930' .. '\ua946'
            | '\ua960' .. '\ua97c'
            | '\ua984' .. '\ua9b2'
            | '\ua9cf'
            | '\uaa00' .. '\uaa28'
            | '\uaa40' .. '\uaa42'
            | '\uaa44' .. '\uaa4b'
            | '\uaa60' .. '\uaa6f'
            | '\uaa70'
            | '\uaa71' .. '\uaa76'
            | '\uaa7a'
            | '\uaa80' .. '\uaaaf'
            | '\uaab1'
            | '\uaab5' .. '\uaab6'
            | '\uaab9' .. '\uaabd'
            | '\uaac0'
            | '\uaac2'
            | '\uaadb' .. '\uaadc'
            | '\uaadd'
            | '\uab01' .. '\uab06'
            | '\uab09' .. '\uab0e'
            | '\uab11' .. '\uab16'
            | '\uab20' .. '\uab26'
            | '\uab28' .. '\uab2e'
            | '\uabc0' .. '\uabe2'
            | '\uac00' .. '\ud7a3'
            | '\ud7b0' .. '\ud7c6'
            | '\ud7cb' .. '\ud7fb'
            | '\uf900' .. '\ufa2d'
            | '\ufa30' .. '\ufa6d'
            | '\ufa70' .. '\ufad9'
            | '\ufb00' .. '\ufb06'
            | '\ufb13' .. '\ufb17'
            | '\ufb1d'
            | '\ufb1f' .. '\ufb28'
            | '\ufb2a' .. '\ufb36'
            | '\ufb38' .. '\ufb3c'
            | '\ufb3e'
            | '\ufb40' .. '\ufb41'
            | '\ufb43' .. '\ufb44'
            | '\ufb46' .. '\ufbb1'
            | '\ufbd3' .. '\ufc5d'
            | '\ufc64' .. '\ufd3d'
            | '\ufd50' .. '\ufd8f'
            | '\ufd92' .. '\ufdc7'
            | '\ufdf0' .. '\ufdf9'
            | '\ufe71'
            | '\ufe73'
            | '\ufe77'
            | '\ufe79'
            | '\ufe7b'
            | '\ufe7d'
            | '\ufe7f' .. '\ufefc'
            | '\uff21' .. '\uff3a'
            | '\uff41' .. '\uff5a'
            | '\uff66' .. '\uff6f'
            | '\uff70'
            | '\uff71' .. '\uff9d'
            | '\uffa0' .. '\uffbe'
            | '\uffc2' .. '\uffc7'
            | '\uffca' .. '\uffcf'
            | '\uffd2' .. '\uffd7'
            | '\uffda' .. '\uffdc'
            | '\U00010000' .. '\U0001000b'
            | '\U0001000d' .. '\U00010026'
            | '\U00010028' .. '\U0001003a'
            | '\U0001003c' .. '\U0001003d'
            | '\U0001003f' .. '\U0001004d'
            | '\U00010050' .. '\U0001005d'
            | '\U00010080' .. '\U000100fa'
            | '\U00010140' .. '\U00010174'
            | '\U00010280' .. '\U0001029c'
            | '\U000102a0' .. '\U000102d0'
            | '\U00010300' .. '\U0001031e'
            | '\U00010330' .. '\U00010340'
            | '\U00010341'
            | '\U00010342' .. '\U00010349'
            | '\U0001034a'
            | '\U00010380' .. '\U0001039d'
            | '\U000103a0' .. '\U000103c3'
            | '\U000103c8' .. '\U000103cf'
            | '\U000103d1' .. '\U000103d5'
            | '\U00010400' .. '\U0001044f'
            | '\U00010450' .. '\U0001049d'
            | '\U00010800' .. '\U00010805'
            | '\U00010808'
            | '\U0001080a' .. '\U00010835'
            | '\U00010837' .. '\U00010838'
            | '\U0001083c'
            | '\U0001083f' .. '\U00010855'
            | '\U00010900' .. '\U00010915'
            | '\U00010920' .. '\U00010939'
            | '\U00010a00'
            | '\U00010a10' .. '\U00010a13'
            | '\U00010a15' .. '\U00010a17'
            | '\U00010a19' .. '\U00010a33'
            | '\U00010a60' .. '\U00010a7c'
            | '\U00010b00' .. '\U00010b35'
            | '\U00010b40' .. '\U00010b55'
            | '\U00010b60' .. '\U00010b72'
            | '\U00010c00' .. '\U00010c48'
            | '\U00011003' .. '\U00011037'
            | '\U00011083' .. '\U000110af'
            | '\U00012000' .. '\U0001236e'
            | '\U00012400' .. '\U00012462'
            | '\U00013000' .. '\U0001342e'
            | '\U00016800' .. '\U00016a38'
            | '\U0001b000' .. '\U0001b001'
            | '\U0001d400' .. '\U0001d454'
            | '\U0001d456' .. '\U0001d49c'
            | '\U0001d49e' .. '\U0001d49f'
            | '\U0001d4a2'
            | '\U0001d4a5' .. '\U0001d4a6'
            | '\U0001d4a9' .. '\U0001d4ac'
            | '\U0001d4ae' .. '\U0001d4b9'
            | '\U0001d4bb'
            | '\U0001d4bd' .. '\U0001d4c3'
            | '\U0001d4c5' .. '\U0001d505'
            | '\U0001d507' .. '\U0001d50a'
            | '\U0001d50d' .. '\U0001d514'
            | '\U0001d516' .. '\U0001d51c'
            | '\U0001d51e' .. '\U0001d539'
            | '\U0001d53b' .. '\U0001d53e'
            | '\U0001d540' .. '\U0001d544'
            | '\U0001d546'
            | '\U0001d54a' .. '\U0001d550'
            | '\U0001d552' .. '\U0001d6a5'
            | '\U0001d6a8' .. '\U0001d6c0'
            | '\U0001d6c2' .. '\U0001d6da'
            | '\U0001d6dc' .. '\U0001d6fa'
            | '\U0001d6fc' .. '\U0001d714'
            | '\U0001d716' .. '\U0001d734'
            | '\U0001d736' .. '\U0001d74e'
            | '\U0001d750' .. '\U0001d76e'
            | '\U0001d770' .. '\U0001d788'
            | '\U0001d78a' .. '\U0001d7a8'
            | '\U0001d7aa' .. '\U0001d7c2'
            | '\U0001d7c4' .. '\U0001d7cb'
            | '\U00020000' .. '\U0002a6d6'
            | '\U0002a700' .. '\U0002b734'
            | '\U0002b740' .. '\U0002b81d'
            | '\U0002f800' .. '\U0002fa1d'
parrt commented 11 years ago

I believe that Sam just fix this so that we can handle up to \uFFFF. I don't think we can handle beyond that so I will leave this in as a feature request.

jbclements commented 11 years ago

Really? the 4.0 release seems to handle this without signalling that error....

In a perfect world, you'd tell me that in the release version, this would just make things silently really really slow, even in the parsing pass :).

parrt commented 11 years ago

hmm... well, have you tried reading in character values greater than FFFF? my guess is it simply didn't give you a warning last time.

jbclements commented 11 years ago

Yes, that's the obvious next test.... okay, lemme try it.

jbclements commented 11 years ago

Yep, right you are:

line 1:0 token recognition error at: '?'
line 1:4 token recognition error at: '?'
line 1:8 token recognition error at: '?'
line 1:12 token recognition error at: '?'
line 1:16 token recognition error at: '?'
parrt commented 11 years ago

Ok, this sounds like a feature request to allow 32-bit characters then.

sharwell commented 11 years ago

The escape sequence \U should trigger a compile error, but currently the ANTLR tool contains a line reading:

// An illegal escape seqeunce
// TODO: Issue error message

The escape sequence \uffff is supported as of #267.

cowang commented 11 years ago

The JLS7 defines the use of Unicode escapes in topic 3.3. There it says, "Representing supplementary characters requires two consecutive Unicode escapes."

So shouldn't input code use two Unicode escapes -- as well as no uppercase U, as Sam pointed out. That would make it look something like, \uD8CD\uDC34". Actually, you have to represent it as \uH\uL, choosing H and L so that (using base 16 arithmetic): 10000 + (H − D800) × 400 + (L − DC00) = your code point so \uD801\uDC01 would represent the character U+010401 -- according to

I am beginning to flounder a little here, over my head in Unicode. For instance, I don't see how one is to distinguish between a single supplementary character represented as two Unicode escapes and two ordinary characters that just happen to have the corresponding single Unicode escapes. In fact, these two UTF-16 characters seem to be the UTF-16 representation of the single supplementary character. Maybe, somehow, the character ranges of real characters don't overlap, but I don't see it.

The other issue is that even after translating to the two UTF-16 characters, you are going to have to represent a range across these two-character representations of supplementary characters, e.g., '\uD812\uDC34' .. '\uD813\uDC56'

The code for the Java compiler's conversion of Unicode escapes seems to ignore any issues with these supplementary characters. See method convertUnicode() in langtools-ce654f4ecfd8\src\share\classes\com\sun\tools\javac\parser\

So one option would be to support the characters above \uFFFF with the simple method of the Java compiler and then add support for a supplementary-character range notation.

sharwell commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure what you're trying to say there.

The following range:


Needs to be written like this in ANTLR:

( '\uD812' '\uDC34'..'\uDFFF'
| '\uD813' '\uDC00'..'\uDC56'
bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

I think the only work needed is:

  1. Introduce syntax to support Unicode values > U+FFFF
  2. Update operators like .. which can take Unicode values as input to understand values > U+FFFF

For 1), we could use curly braces à la Swift and Hack:


For 2), we just need to use Java's built-in UTF-16 surrogate pair decoding functionality ( etc.).

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

Here's an initial prototype (Java-only) adding support for a new \u{10ABCD} style Unicode literal escape for Unicode values > U+FFFF:

To support the new values, I had to change the ATN serializer/deserializer, so I introduced a new UUID.

I included a test, which passes with cd tool-testsuite && mvn -Dtest=TestUnicodeGrammar test.

I'm pretty sure this will break other tests, which I'll focus on next.

If folks like this approach, I can extend it to the other languages.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

And here's what it looks like from the command line:

% cat Unicode.g4
grammar Unicode;
r : 'hello' WORLD;
WORLD : ('\u{1F30D}' | '\u{1F30E}' | '\u{1F30F}' );
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;

% java -jar antlr4/tool/target/antlr4-4.6.1-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar Unicode.g4
% javac -cp antlr4/runtime/Java/target/antlr4-runtime-4.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Unicode*.java 

% echo hello 🌍 | java -cp antlr4/tool/target/antlr4-4.6.1-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar:. org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig Unicode r -tree -encoding UTF-8
(r hello 🌍)
% echo hello 🐱 | java -cp antlr4/tool/target/antlr4-4.6.1-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar:. org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig Unicode r -tree -encoding UTF-8
line 1:6 token recognition error at: '🐱'
line 2:0 missing WORLD at '<EOF>'
(r hello <missing WORLD>)
bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

Specific questions for folks on this issue:

  1. Is it important to keep the size of serialized ATNs low? (I used UTF-16 encoding to keep the size of serialized IntervalSets low, but it seemed awkward to do the same for transition arguments, since they don't necessarily represent Unicode values).
  2. What else do we have to do when changing the UUID of the serialized ATN, besides updating all the runtimes for the different languages?
parrt commented 7 years ago

Gang,It seems to me that a lot of code would have to change because characters are no longer one character within the strings representing token text...I'm extremely leery of supporting U32.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

@parrt: I hear you! Thankfully, the huge majority of the existing code simply uses IntegerSet, which happily supports integers larger than 0xFFFF.

(There were a few places which assumed 0xFFFF was the largest character value, but they were the minority).

I'm pretty confident I can make this work, I was just looking for general strategy tips. :)

My end goal is to create a general lexer and parser for Unicode sequences like emoji, which include sequences of Unicode values larger than 0xFFFF:

Especially with the popularity of emoji, I think ANTLR is a great candidate to provide a universal library for general scanning and parsing of Unicode sequences.

If you think another parser library would be more appropriate, I'm happy to look elsewhere.

parrt commented 7 years ago

@bhamiltoncx well, I'm sure it could be made to work but at what cost and complexity to the 99.9999999 percent of the people that will not be doing 32-bit Unicode? Java was a big step over C++ strings in that you could handle 16 bit Unicode without UTF an memory. That was a serious pain in the ass. I'd rather not at all of that pain to my java implementation. Parsing Unicode sequences is so trivial I'm not sure why you even want a parser generator for that.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

@parrt: I wish it was trivial to parse Unicode sequences! To implement a cross-platform Unicode UAX 29 grapheme cluster boundary parser is fairly tricky. Here's part of the standard:

We've implemented 2 or 3 UAX 29 grapheme cluster boundary parsers so far, and manually porting them to other languages and distributing bug fixes has been extremely time-consuming. I figured a parser generator would be a better strategy than manually cross-porting bug fixes.

If I missed something about the above parsers being trivial, please let me know!

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

@parrt and I had a nice offline discussion about this.


  1. Most of ANTLR is already based on abstract integers, not 16-bit units, so moving internally from UTF-16 code units to Unicode code points isn't that huge of a change
  2. Some existing runtimes (Python, C#, Swift) already treat input streams as series of Unicode code points
  3. Other existing runtimes (Java, JavaScript) treat input streams as series of 16-bit UTF-16 code units, but we can change them to use Unicode code units like the other runtimes
  4. Size of the serialized ATN isn't super important
  5. Error messages with offsets and lengths are already confusing (they use UTF-16 units, which may or may not be helpful); we can change the APIs so clients specify the units they want for offsets and lengths (UTF-16 code units, UTF-8 bytes, Unicode code units, etc).

So, I went ahead and updated this tree with runtime implementations for Python2, Python3, JavaScript, C#, and Swift, and standardized both serialized sets as well as edge arguments to use 32-bit values instead of 16-bit values:

I'll continue adding lots more tests to cover cases like:

  1. Dangling surrogates in grammars
  2. Dangling surrogates in input files
  3. Invalid encodings in input files
  4. Pseudo-"binary" parsing using ISO-8859-1 "encoding" (
parrt commented 7 years ago

Hi Ben! Heh, been thinking about char[] vs int[]. I think we'll need to keep char[] and make new stream for int[]. I have many projects that load lots and lots of files and keep them around; e.g., imagine an IDE that must keep files around. I'd rather not double their memory footprint. Maybe ANTLRInputStream32?

parrt commented 7 years ago

Oh and regarding serialized ATN size, I think I remember Java having some static string max size per class. Some big lexers have already hit it. I'll try to think more about the serialization.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

Totally hear you on memory size.

I think the best way to minimize memory is to move away from a "load the entire input file into memory" model and towards a "stream input data as needed and keep a small buffer in memory" model.

That would go a long way towards fixing the issue long-term, assuming clients don't repeatedly parse the same data over and over again.

I'll come up with a proposal for that. Might be able to squeeze it into the existing ANTLRInputStream, or might have to start a new interface (since things like LA(int i) will have to be able to throw IOException).

Happy to make any fixes on the serialized ATN side. We can use pretty much any format we want for ranges and arguments. UTF-8 is pretty compact. :)

sharwell commented 7 years ago

@bhamiltoncx You could probably just extend ANTLRInputStream to override LA and consume to combine code unit pairs into a single code point. For example, you can use Character.toCodePoint to combine surrogate pairs if the underlying input is a char[].

parrt commented 7 years ago

Concerning "all in memory" issue, but I have for example a machine learning problem that consults the token texts all the time across multiple files. Keeping stuff in memory should really be the default, rather than simulating virtual memory by swapping streams in and out. Makes it hard to port the runtime to diff languages etc...

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

@sharwell : Makes sense. One tricky bit is getting all the indices and offsets (for example, the int passed to LA(int i) correct if we do that.

Currently, the Python, C#, and Swift runtimes treat all indices and offsets in terms of Unicode code points.

However, the Java and JavaScript runtimes treat indices and offsets in terms of UTF-16 code units.

sharwell commented 7 years ago

@bhamiltoncx Take a look at JavaUnicodeInputStream, which implements the special support in the Java language for treating \u1234 (6 distinct characters of a file on disk) as a single UTF-16 code unit from the perspective of a Java language lexer. I believe it not only accounts for the special cases surrounding LA(x) for x>1, but also highly optimized the essential cases of LA(1) that's used by the lexer internals. Your processor would likely be much simpler than this one since at most it is combining 2 adjacent code units with much less processing involved.

:memo: Also I believe the C# runtime operates on UTF-16 code units the same way as the Java runtime.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago


For the best of all possible worlds, I can put together a proof of concept which uses MappedByteBuffer to allow arbitrary seeking without reading everything in eagerly.

If we require the caller to specify the units (bytes, UTF-16 code units, or Unicode code points) by which they wish to iterate, then clients can decide exactly which use-case they want, and we don't have any memory bloat.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

OK, I reverted the changes to ANTLRInputStream and introduced a new CodePointCharStream along with a UTF8CodePointDecoder to optimize CPU and memory usage in the common case of UTF-8 input (so we can go directly from UTF-8 to code points without allocating a UTF-16 buffer in between).

This can also be used with MappedByteBuffer, but my initial investigation shows this doesn't really save any CPU.

I also introduced a bunch more tests, but there's lots more to write.

If this looks decent, I'll split it up into a few pull requests.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

Here's a quick summary of the state of ANTLR 4 runtime support for Unicode SMP values > U+FFFF when loading input to be parsed.

I found things are a bit inconsistent at the moment whether the runtimes treat input as a series of (16-bit) UTF-16 code units or as a series of (32-bit — actually only up to 21-bit) Unicode code points.

  1. Java: always returns UTF-16 encoded code units
  2. JavaScript: InputStream.js always returns UTF-16 encoded code units
  3. C++: ANTLRInputStream.cpp always returns Unicode code points
  4. Python2 / Python3: always returns Unicode code points
  5. C#: AntlrInputStream.cs always returns UTF-16 encoded code units
  6. Go: input_stream.go always returns Unicode code points
  7. Swift: ANTLRInputStream.swift always returns Unicode code points

To keep backwards compatibility, I'll add options to Java, JavaScript, and C# to return Unicode code points, but I think before too long, we'll want to make the default consistent across all the runtimes and always return Unicode code points.

octylFractal commented 7 years ago

If I'm reading this right, ANTLR does not currently support 32-bit characters in the lexer definition. If I want to do so, I need to decode it to the UTF-16 encoding and set the ranges as follows:

'\uD812' '\uDC34'..'\uDFFF'

Is this correct? If so, is there plans to support entering arbitrary Unicode in lexer definitions?

Sorry if any of this has already been explained, I'm just double-checking to make sure that if I added anything I wouldn't be duplicating someone's work.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago

@kenzierocks : That's correct.

As a further note, that workaround will likely only function correctly with runtimes based on UTF-16 (Java, JavaScript, and C#). Runtimes based on Unicode (Python2, Python3, Swift, and C++) are probably not going to do the right thing for UTF-16.

I'm in the process of fixing this issue. The PRs I've attached to this issue are to allow full Unicode code points (either as raw UTF-8 in the grammar definition, or as new \u{10ABCD} style escapes), as well as to provide alternatives to AntlrInputStream and friends which understand how to handle Unicode values > U+FFFF.

octylFractal commented 7 years ago

Sounds good. I'm only interested in the Java runtime right now, so I can workaround for now.

bhamiltoncx commented 7 years ago
