antlr / grammars-v4

Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
MIT License
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Problems with CPP14.g4 #1577

Open dmedme opened 4 years ago

dmedme commented 4 years ago
  1. The Lexer does not recognize multi-line strings. I have a fix for this if anyone is interested.

  2. Was my bad, I think; I managed to delete something I shouldn't have :(

KvanTTT commented 4 years ago
  1. The Lexer does not recognize multi-line strings. I have a fix for this if anyone is interested.

Yes, we are interested in it very much :) You are welcome to make a pull request.

gives "no viable alternative at input 'staticconstchar'"

Maybe support of multiline strings with backslashes are not very good and correct?

dmedme commented 4 years ago

Yes, it was the backslash handling. I will endeavour to submit a 'pull' request.

dmedme commented 4 years ago

Fallen at the first hurdle. I am not permitted to create the branch Issue-#1577-CPP14.g4 as a precursor to creating the pull request.

KvanTTT commented 4 years ago

You can do whatever you want, but at first, you have to create a fork of this repo.