antlr / grammars-v4

Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
MIT License
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PL/I or PL1 Grammars #1752

Open Heidernlee opened 4 years ago

Heidernlee commented 4 years ago

Anyone can provide a PL/1 Grammar? PL/0 seems doesn't work with PL/1.

Heidernlee commented 4 years ago

Thanks for labeling. I was told that PL/I is also very common used on Mainframe-System (Cobol + PL/I).

ghost commented 4 years ago This document might be useful

Heidernlee commented 4 years ago

@KvanTTT @studentmain Thanks for providing the following site:

This Grammar is created in 90's and seems Based on EBNF. Is there any way to Trans EBNF to Antlr4 ? any Tools ?

teverett commented 4 years ago

I've start to port the grammar from the link here

PR's are welcome

Heidernlee commented 4 years ago

@teverett Thanks for your response. I'll continue to test this g4 with my PL/I Source Code.

teverett commented 4 years ago

@Heidernlee it's hardly in a testable state yet. Lots of work to do before it can even parse "Hello World".

kaby76 commented 4 years ago

Since PL/1 was the first compiler I worked on out of school, at Intermetrics, 35 years ago, I decided as an exercise today to see if I can use my VS extension for Antlr to import the grammar from then use the transforms to fix the grammar (i.e., remove indirect left recursion, convert string literals for keywords to a sequence of upper and lower case letters). It had some problems, which I'm correcting, but it mostly worked. I now have a parser for PL/1 here: The grammar at is not in a machine-readable form, and has a warning saying "This grammar is not yet corrected nor completed". For example, it doesn't include lexical considerations, like case and abbreviations for keywords. Further, there's supposed to be a preprocessor for PL/1, which the GNU FE for PL/1 implements. But, it works for several PL/1 files. There's an LSP server for PL/1 for VSCode, but the git repo for it is complete vaporware--no parser--a la IBM.