antlr / grammars-v4

Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
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golang parse python3 failed #3995

Open kayguo opened 3 months ago

kayguo commented 3 months ago

parse fail : we will lost the first token

we can fix it after "next := l.BaseLexer.NextToken()" : add l.tokens ,like this: if len(l.tokens) != 0 && l.tokens[len(l.tokens)-1] != next { l.tokens = append(l.tokens, next) }

kaby76 commented 3 months ago

The suggested change would cause a significant deviation from all the other sources, creating a maintenance problem.

The main problems, which are multiple, are described here. OO is not available in Go. Fine. But, one can work around this by implementing it explicitly using structs and pointers to base class objects. I implemented things like this over 30 years ago in C. I know it can be done. The Go target runtime tries to do the same, but it does not implement it correctly.