antoinelame / GazeTracking

👀 Eye Tracking library easily implementable to your projects
MIT License
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Add script #21

Open tim-fan opened 4 years ago

tim-fan commented 4 years ago

Hi there, thanks for the great package!

I forked to add a script, so I can now install the package via: pip install git+

I'm making this pull request in case you want this change in your repo.

It was the first time I've written a file, so let me know if you want anything changed, for instance if you don't want your email in the package info, or if you'd like to start the version number at something other than 0.1.

I suppose a next step could be to upload to PyPI, although this is something I've never tried.

hp77-creator commented 4 years ago

Is it working on your system? Just asking. I haven't tried it on my system. Are there any system requirements to install the software?

tim-fan commented 4 years ago

Yep it works for me. I just tested it on bionic - I was able to run the example as follows:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install git+

(note it would be nice to include the example script in the package, so it is available at the command line after pip installing)