antoinelame / GazeTracking

👀 Eye Tracking library easily implementable to your projects
MIT License
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Add tracking of screen coordinates #34

Open ritko opened 4 years ago

ritko commented 4 years ago

Added mapping of gaze ratios to screen coordinates, so that it now tracks eye point of gaze (EPOG) on the screen.

This is done by asking the user to fixate on calibration points with predetermined coordinates. These points, plus knowledge of screen size, are used to map subsequent gaze ratios to screen coordinates. Subsequently, a short test is run, where user fixates on test points, and the EPOG error is calculated.

Mainly added file and completely redid the previous file

okridgway commented 4 years ago

This would be super cool, except after installing everything and trying to run the example file, it returned an "Abort trap: 6" error.

okridgway commented 4 years ago

It would also be nice to be able to do a calibration via webcam and then do gaze detection from a different video source.

okridgway commented 4 years ago

Or even just do screen coordinates without calibration. That would be ideal. You might check this out: (I'm a noob and don't know how to implement this)