antoinelame / GazeTracking

👀 Eye Tracking library easily implementable to your projects
MIT License
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pybind11 issue #69

Open dineshsetty opened 2 years ago

dineshsetty commented 2 years ago

Hi There,

I tired to install the GazeTracking package, I am getting the following error. Can you please help me with the solution. Following packages where successfully installed. Successfully installed dlib-19.16.0 numpy-1.16.1 opencv-python-

Error Log: raceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in from gaze_tracking import GazeTracking File "/home/dinesh/Documents/eyeball-tracking/GazeTracking/gaze_tracking/", line 1, in from .gaze_tracking import GazeTracking File "/home/dinesh/Documents/eyeball-tracking/GazeTracking/gaze_tracking/", line 4, in import dlib File "/home/dinesh/environments/eye_tracking/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dlib/", line 19, in from _dlib_pybind11 import * ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_dlib_pybind11'

I have also followed the steps in this link

I am using Python 3.8.10, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Let me know if you need any additional details

Mervespm commented 1 year ago

did you solve this problem