Open coffandro opened 2 months ago
I've got a button in the interface working now, can't figure out how to move it to the left of the other buttons nor how to to connect it though
extends EditorPlugin
var importer
var button
func _enter_tree():
importer = preload("./").new()
# Create the button
button =
button.text = "Reload Blend Files"
# Set a fixed size for the button
button.rect_min_size = Vector2(30, 30)
# Connect the button's pressed signal to a function
button.connect("pressed", self, "_on_button_pressed")
# Add the button to the toolbar, it will appear before other icons
add_control_to_container(CONTAINER_TOOLBAR, button)
func _exit_tree():
importer = null
# Remove the button when the plugin is disabled
remove_control_from_container(CONTAINER_TOOLBAR, button)
func _on_button_pressed():
I don't plan to maintain this plugin. If possible upgrade to Godot 4.x for native Blender support or use another plugin.
Import Plugins use an options system to interact with the engine.
# add import option
func get_import_options(preset):
match preset:
return [{
"name": "apply_modifiers",
"default_value": true,
}, {
"name": "pause_reimport",
"default_value": false,
return []
# skip import if paused
func import(source_file, save_path, options, platform_variants, gen_files):
if options["pause_reimport"]:
push_warning("Reimport is paused.")
return null
var temp_path = source_file.replace(".blend", ".glb")
If you change
you must disable and reenable the plugin to load the change.
A lot of people don't have the best PC's and personally I just don't like things re importing without it being important so I think it'd be nice to have a button at a position like here that does it? idfk