antonbabenko / pre-commit-terraform

pre-commit git hooks to take care of Terraform configurations 🇺🇦
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TFsec Warnings not being returned #281

Closed jmswick closed 2 years ago

jmswick commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

When running the configured pre-commit hooks, whether manually with pre-commit run -a or via the commit hook itself, Issues found by TF are not being displayed by pre-commit. However, when running tfsec directly, issues are being flagged.

How can we reproduce it?

Create a terraform config with an issue that tfsec is known to flag on. In our example, we are missing content type and expiration date on the following azure keyvault secret:

resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "argocd_pass" {
  name         = "${local.def_resource_prefix}-argocd-oauth"
  value        = azuread_application_password.argocd.value
  key_vault_id =

When running tfsec directly, it should return output similar to the following:

TFSec Output ```bash Result 3 [azure-keyvault-content-type-for-secret][LOW] Resource 'azurerm_key_vault_secret.argocd_pass' should have a content type set. /home/..../ 64 | key_vault_id = 65 | } 66 | 67 | resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "argocd_pass" { 68 | name = "${local.def_resource_prefix}-argocd-oauth" 69 | value = azuread_application_password.argocd.value 70 | key_vault_id = 71 | } 72 | Legacy ID: AZU022 Impact: The secret's type is unclear without a content type Resolution: Provide content type for secrets to aid interpretation on retrieval More Info: - - - Result 4 [azure-keyvault-ensure-secret-expiry][LOW] Resource 'azurerm_key_vault_secret.argocd_pass' should have an expiration date set. /home/..../ 64 | key_vault_id = 65 | } 66 | 67 | resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "argocd_pass" { 68 | name = "${local.def_resource_prefix}-argocd-oauth" 69 | value = azuread_application_password.argocd.value 70 | key_vault_id = 71 | } 72 | ```

When pre-commit is run manually, it does not flag on the tfsec issue:

$ pre-commit run -a
Terraform fmt............................................................Passed
Terraform validate.......................................................Passed
Terraform validate with tflint...........................................Passed
Terraform validate with tfsec............................................Passed
Terraform docs...........................................................Passed
Check for merge conflicts................................................Passed
Fix End of Files.........................................................Passed
Check Yaml...............................................................Passed

Environment information

$ uname -a
Linux my_host 5.4.0-89-generic #100-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 24 14:50:10 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
pre-commit 2.13.0
Terraform v1.0.8
Python 3.8.10
checkov checkov SKIPPED
terraform-docs version v0.14.1 52f0ea0 linux/amd64
terragrunt SKIPPED
terrascan version: v1.6.0
TFLint version 0.29.1
+ ruleset.azurerm (0.10.1)
tfsec 0.52.1
file content ```bash repos: - repo: git:// rev: v1.56.0 # Get the latest from: hooks: - id: terraform_fmt - id: terraform_validate - id: terraform_tflint args: - "--args=--config=__GIT_WORKING_DIR__/.tflint.hcl" - id: terraform_tfsec args: - --args=--tfvars-file=__GIT_WORKING_DIR__/terraform.tfvars - id: terraform_docs args: - "--args=--sort-by required" - repo: rev: v3.4.0 hooks: - id: check-merge-conflict - id: end-of-file-fixer - id: check-yaml ```
MaxymVlasov commented 2 years ago

Hi, Use pre-commit autoupdate to get latest hook versions.

It works fine with v1.62.3, just checked

- repo:
  rev: v1.62.3
  - id: terraform_tfsec