antonbabenko / terraform-cost-estimation

Anonymized, secure, and free Terraform cost estimation based on Terraform plan (0.12+) or Terraform state (any version)
Apache License 2.0
686 stars 62 forks source link

How can I integrate it with a GitHub action? #13

Open schosterbarak opened 4 years ago

schosterbarak commented 4 years ago

Great tool. would love to continuously acknowledge the estimated price of on every push to master

antonbabenko commented 4 years ago

Hi Barak!

You can do this by running terraform plan on GH action and then sending tfplan file to with or without preprocessing via terraform.jq, as described here -

You can also make your pipeline fail if price is too high:

$ ... | curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- > costs.json
$ jq 'if .monthly|tonumber > 10 then "$" else "$$$" end' costs.json