antoniandre / vue-cal

A Vue.js full calendar, no dependency, no BS. :metal:
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Can't display hours split lines through day/week view #504

Closed severinWsystem closed 1 year ago

severinWsystem commented 1 year ago

Hello ! first of all thanks for your amazing tool ! I really like it :)

I' posting because it's been some days that I'm searching where to find the option to display lines between hours to have a better and more precise sight on day/week timeline.

I can see on the component page that it's working, but when I import it to my project, I juste have column / day but without line between hours. I found that I have 1 cell / day all along, but I need to split and have 24 cells / day (one per hour) and have events superposing above.

Is there a param that I need to precise in my code to display it ? or a CSS class to call to add by my self the lines ? Do I have to use a css framework ? (I'm not using one for now (even if I had a look at Wave-ui which seems to be cool to import :p)

To illustrate my issue, there you can find what I'm having :

Capture d’écran 2022-09-29 115856

and I want to have something like that :

Capture d’écran 2022-09-29 115923

Capture d’écran 2022-09-29 120926

do not pay attention of the number of days ;) just mind about lines.

PS: for my code, I just imported what is on your doc. I'm on Vue3+vite. <vue-cal v-model:active-view="activeView" :split-days="splitDays" :time-from="0 * 60" :time-to="24 * 60" :events="events" hide-view-selector > </vue-cal>

Again, thanks for your huge work which is so powerfull and awesome ! :D

In waiting for a response :) Thanks !

severinWsystem commented 1 year ago

up ? :/ No one knows ?

jrf6023 commented 1 year ago

I am seeing this same issue, and would love to hear a solution!

Upon inspecting the rendered html, it seems that there is a cell-line class, but its got a width of 0 on my page. Not sure how to fix this, but here is the html element for each timestamp im seeing when this is served to the web:

<div class="vuecal__time-cell"/> <span class="vuecal__time-cell-line/>" <span class="vuecal__time-cell-label">01:00</span> </div>


severinWsystem commented 1 year ago

@jrf6023 Thanks! you were right, we just need to set vuecal__time-cell-line width to 100% of vuecal. idk why it was not set by default but it works for me :)