Hello, thank you for your code. I have configured the environment according to your process. When running runner. py, the system reported an error as follows:
imGymTorch/env/envs/rsg_11 task $python runner. py -- name random -- gpu 1-- exptid 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "runner. py", line 3, in
From raisimGymTorch.env.bin import rsg_1 task
ImportError:/home/cc/raisim_workspace/raisimLib/raisimGymTorch/raisimGymTorch/env/bin/rsg_1 task. cpython-38-x86_64 Linux gnu. so: undefined symbol: _ZN6raisim17ArticulatedSystem10getBodyIdxERKNST7_cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
May I ask how to solve this problem? Thanks~
Hello, thank you for your code. I have configured the environment according to your process. When running runner. py, the system reported an error as follows: imGymTorch/env/envs/rsg_11 task $python runner. py -- name random -- gpu 1-- exptid 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "runner. py", line 3, in
From raisimGymTorch.env.bin import rsg_1 task
ImportError:/home/cc/raisim_workspace/raisimLib/raisimGymTorch/raisimGymTorch/env/bin/rsg_1 task. cpython-38-x86_64 Linux gnu. so: undefined symbol: _ZN6raisim17ArticulatedSystem10getBodyIdxERKNST7_cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
May I ask how to solve this problem? Thanks~