antonio-bravo / globaldevopsexperience_gdex-afterevent

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Challenge 2: Controlling deployments to production #39

Open antonio-bravo opened 1 week ago

antonio-bravo commented 1 week ago

Challenge 2: Controlling deployments to production

As a Product Owner, I want to establish a robust and secure workflow for our software development lifecycle, ensuring our release process is controlled and our main codebase protected. This setup will enable us to maintain high standards of quality and security-essential for staying ahead in today's fast-paced tech environment.


Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Release Pipeline Configuration:

    • Implement a release pipeline using Deployment Environments in our project management tool.
    • Include a manual approval step before changes are deployed to production, ensuring every release is vetted for stability and compliance.
  2. Branch Protection Rules:

    • Set up branch protection rules for the main branch to ensure it cannot be directly committed to. All changes must be made through pull requests reviewed according to the GitHub Flow.
    • This helps maintain code integrity and encourages peer review.
  3. Codeowners Setup:

    • Establish Codeowners for the catalog section of our website. Only designated team members (the catalog team) should be able to update catalog files, ensuring expert oversight.
  4. Rebase Strategy Implementation:

    • Adopt a rebase strategy for merging pull requests to keep our project history linear. This approach will simplify our commit history and make tracking changes more manageable.


"Efficiency is doing better what is already being done." - Peter Drucker