antonioCoco / ConPtyShell

ConPtyShell - Fully Interactive Reverse Shell for Windows
MIT License
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backspace deletes full words #13

Open allendemoura opened 4 months ago

allendemoura commented 4 months ago

hi, love your tool!

I'm noticing that within the shell, backspace deletes whole words, and Ctrl+Backspace deletes single letters. is this intended, and is there a way to change it?

antonioCoco commented 3 months ago


this is an unexpected behavior. Please provide additional details to troubleshoot the issue. What commandline you used to run ConPtyShell? What commandline you used to run the netcat listener? What windows version you tested?

santhoshkite commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am also facing the same issue. The commands that I used was

On the host: Import-module .\Invoke-ConPtyShell.ps1 Invoke-ConPtyShell

On the client: stty raw -echo; (stty size; cat) | nc -lvnp 3001

I am using a kali Vm, the hypervisor I use is VMware Fusion. Kali version: Linux kali 6.6.9-arm64 #1 SMP Kali 6.6.9-1kali1 (2024-01-08) aarch64 GNU/Linux The vm is running on Apple m1 chip.

allendemoura commented 3 months ago

hi, sorry for the delay, been busy with the OSCP exam. i ran ConPty from a reverse shell cmd command line. listener in kali linux zsh. Windows 10-11. i'm sorry i dont have more details at the moment.

I noticed that it only seems to occur on certain hosts. I experienced this behavior in the OSCP labs but not on the exam.