antonioCoco / ConPtyShell

ConPtyShell - Fully Interactive Reverse Shell for Windows
MIT License
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I keep getting issues to do with firewall #9

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

I am on windows 11 and doing this to myself with kali linux VM and was wondering what I do to make it work because I cannot turn off my real time protection on my computer (I dont know why). and I keep getting the error: ConPtyShellException: [-] ConPtyShellException: WSAConnect failed with error code: 10060 at ConPtyShell.connectRemote(String remoteIp, Int32 remotePort) at ConPtyShell.SpawnConPtyShell(String remoteIp, Int32 remotePort, UInt32 rows, UInt32 cols, String commandLine, Boolean upgradeShell) at ConPtyShellMainClass.ConPtyShellMain(String[] args)

Thank you!

antonioCoco commented 1 year ago

This is a generic error with Winsock. Highly likely there is something between the two ends (client or server) that is blocking the communication, or simply you are specifying wrong parameters.

Please include commandline and scenario next time for troubleshooting better the issue.

TheMasterProgrammer commented 1 year ago

Same issue here