antoniogarrote / rdfstore-js

JS RDF store with SPARQL support
MIT License
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Question: VALUES keyword #155

Open folkvir opened 6 years ago

folkvir commented 6 years ago

Is there a support of the VALUES keyword as it is specified in the SPARQL 1.1 spec ?

Example: Data:

@prefix dc:   <> .
@prefix :     <> .
@prefix ns:   <> .

:book1  dc:title  "SPARQL Tutorial" .
:book1  ns:price  42 .
:book2  dc:title  "The Semantic Web" .
:book2  ns:price  23 .


PREFIX dc:   <> 
PREFIX :     <> 
PREFIX ns:   <> 

SELECT ?book ?title ?price
   VALUES ?book { :book1 :book3 }
   ?book dc:title ?title ;
         ns:price ?price .


book title price "SPARQL Tutorial" 42