antoniograzioli / Autodafe

Autodafe Module Pack for VCV Rack
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[Req] Row / Column all on / off for 8x16 seq #6

Closed PatchworkBoy closed 6 years ago

PatchworkBoy commented 6 years ago

Hi Antonio - any chance in the future of all on / off with both button and trig inputs, by row & column for the 8x16 seq... or a performance-based variant thereof?

antoniograzioli commented 6 years ago

do you mean "all" 128 gates buttons or all by each row and/or column?

PatchworkBoy commented 6 years ago

as in all in that row / all in that column... If I needed the effect of all 128 on or off I’d just set column 1 to on (or off) and step to 1.