antoniograzioli / Autodafe

Autodafe Module Pack for VCV Rack
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issue: trigger sequencer #9

Open robertocolabene opened 6 years ago

robertocolabene commented 6 years ago

when i click on the buttons on the side they turn on all the steps but i can't turn off them anymore, i have to initialize the module

antoniograzioli commented 6 years ago

Somebody else reprted this issue, but I wasn't able to reproduce it...tested on win/mac/linux please answer some questions, thanks: 1) which OS? 2) do you have any cable connected to the Sequencer? plese try withou anything connected and tell me if it behaves the same... 3) try the buttons on the bottom (they turn on all vertical steps) do they behave the same as the side buttons?

robertocolabene commented 6 years ago
  1. windows 8.1
  2. tried without any cable connected
  3. then i tried again and i found a curious behavior let me show the buttons in red don't let you turn off the steps cattura di schermata 59

edit: abbi pazienza edito in italiano comunque... ho riprovato ancora a quanto pare la cosa è casuale a volte funzionano altre volte no ora che ho ricaricato il modulo in una nuova patch alcuni non funzionano ma non sono gli stessi di prima.

Euphorbium commented 6 years ago

I too have noticed that it is hard to reproduce. Here is a patch where this happens, I don't know what triggers this behaviour. rename txt to vcv. texture.txt

antoniograzioli commented 6 years ago

thanks @Euphorbium and @soulbridge ... it also happened to me sometimes on Windows (never on my mac) but apparently almost randomly, without an apparent cause...I'll look into it..

antoniograzioli commented 6 years ago

@Euphorbium I have just tested your patch. only 3rd row work, all other rows and columns behave strangely when clicked...

DomiKamu commented 6 years ago

Hi Antonio, having exactly the same issue as reported by soulbridge, for me it's easy to reproduce (every time), no connected cable too. Using Autodafe Modules Pack version 0.5.1, VCV Rack v0.5.1 Windows, tested on both Windows 7 Pro SP1 and Windows 10 Pro (Redstone 3), screen resolution = 1920x1080 (NVidia GTX 660). Rows 1 and 5 remain stucked "ON" (and all their relevant steps) as soon as I click their side buttons (the only way yo turn off is "Initialize" from right-click menu). Same issue for columns 1, 5, 9 and 13 (every 4 rows/columns, in fact). Working fine with all other. Merry Christmas!

poowok95 commented 5 years ago

same issue, on mac here

poowok95 commented 5 years ago

eh, closed and reopened the module and seems to work now