antonioprates / boxyrinth

react-native sokoban revamped board game in an alien sci-fi universe
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

I would like to help you as developer #1

Open giovannimanzoni opened 2 years ago

giovannimanzoni commented 2 years ago

Hello, do you like to put your game to a next level ? I would like to help you with this game. I never develope videogame. I work with expo from 03/2020. I'm a specialist with backend, so I can help you to add it at your game and do a lot of interesting features.

antonioprates commented 2 years ago

Hello Giovanni,

This project was mostly created for the joy of it on my free time during pandemic times, to learn and practice a few new tricks using expo. Nice to know you're intrested in colaborating and making it.

I was working on a sequel to this one with more levels even tought on putting a price tag like $1 (but it's kind of in stand by right now).

I have a very rough idea of a feature I imagined that could make use of backend on this game that would be cool: to allow people to challenge their friends by sharing their own level designs, almost like a mini boxyrinth social media kkk. Say design and share your level kind of thing, usind the already available existing in game editor.

If you are willing to make it yours, go ahead. But tell me, what are the features you would like to add to the game and work on, what did you have in mind?

Best regards, Antonio Prates