Closed lvpchen closed 3 months ago
Seems that the bug is happening during prediction, probably you are putting in the decoder more tokens than it is able to produce. I will check it out once the rework of the repository has been finished.
Closing this issue, as the whole code of the SMT has changed to be more straightforward. Please, notify me if errors happen when using this new version.
python --config config/GrandStaff/CNNSMT.gin --sample_image Data/GrandStaff/grandstaff_dataset/beethoven/piano-sonatas/sonata01-1/original_m-0-5.jpg --model_weights weights/GrandStaff/CNNSMT.ckpt
Sometimes, there is an error when i run predict.
File "SMT/model/", line 28, in forward return x +[:, :, start:start+x.size(2)].to(x.device) RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (833) must match the size of tensor b (832) at non-singleton dimension 2 In call to configurable 'main' (<function main at 0x7f473ff3ef70>)