antonk52 / cssmodules-language-server

autocompletion and go-to-defintion for cssmodules
MIT License
54 stars 8 forks source link

Neovim 8 changes #11

Closed kecerud closed 1 year ago

kecerud commented 1 year ago

Hi there! Wanted to create a pull request to change the README but seems like I can't.

There have been changes in neovim 8 see:

And part of this snippet is deprecated:

require'lspconfig'.cssmodules_ls.setup {
    on_attach = function (client)
        -- avoid accepting `go-to-definition` responses from this LSP
        client.resolved_capabilities.goto_definition = false

resolved_capabilities is now server_capabilities

antonk52 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for flagging this. I would be happy to merge your pull request.

Can you share why you could not create a PR?

Should be the usual workflow: fork this repository -> make a change in your fork -> push to your fork -> create a PR in this repository

kecerud commented 1 year ago

@antonk52 Sorry about that at the end It was an issue on my side. All good now, created a PR here: