antonkarl / icecorpus

Icelandic Treebank
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Missing asterisks on traces #396

Open aecay opened 12 years ago

aecay commented 12 years ago


The following seem to be traces that are missing an asterisk, as found in the finished directory of a current checkout of the corpus:

1150.homiliubok.rel-ser.psd: (CP-DEG *ICH-1))
1350.bandamennM.nar-sag.psd: (IP-INF (NP-OB1 *T-1)
1540.ntacts.rel-bib.psd: (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T-3)

There is also the following fragment from The presence of a movement index on the complementizer looks fishy (though I don't know any Icelandic).

          (NP (PRO-D því-það)
              (CP-THT-PRN (C 0-2)
                          (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
                                  (ADVP-1 (ADV þar-þar))
                                  (VBPS liggi-liggja)
                                  (NP-2 (Q-N mikið-mikill))
                                  (PP (P á-á)
                                      (ADVP *ICH*-1))))))
einarfs commented 12 years ago

Thank you!

I have fixed all these errors now. You were right about the complementizer, the NP "miki" was supposed to be co-indexed with the expletive.

Best, Einar

2011/12/9 Aaron Ecay <


The following seem to be traces that are missing an asterisk, as found in the finished directory of a current checkout of the corpus:

1150.homiliubok.rel-ser.psd: (CP-DEG ICH-1)) 1350.bandamennM.nar-sag.psd: (IP-INF (NP-OB1 T-1) 1540.ntacts.rel-bib.psd: (IP-SUB (NP-OB1 *T-3)

There is also the following fragment from The presence of a movement index on the complementizer looks fishy (though I don't know any Icelandic).

         (NP (PRO-D v-a)
             (CP-THT-PRN (C 0-2)
                         (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *exp*)
                                 (ADVP-1 (ADV ar-ar))
                                 (VBPS liggi-liggja)
                                 (NP-2 (Q-N miki-mikill))
                                 (PP (P -)
                                     (ADVP *ICH*-1))))))

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