antonmedv / walk

Terminal file manager
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Walk rendering issue within tmux on WSL Ubuntu #136

Closed jp-mango closed 2 months ago

jp-mango commented 2 months ago


When running the walk command inside Tmux on WSL Ubuntu, the highlight indicating the currently selected file or directory disappears. The navigation functionality still works, but I cannot visually see my current position. This issue does not occur when running walk outside of Tmux.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open terminal with WSL Ubuntu
  2. Run tmux
  3. Run lk

Expected vs. Actual Behavior

The currently selected file or directory should be highlighted to indicate my position. But, there is no visual highlight to show my current position when navigating with walk inside Tmux.


Additional Info

Tried forcing tmux to use 256-colors with the following .tmux.conf settings but no dice:

set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc"


antonmedv commented 2 months ago


jp-mango commented 2 months ago

export COLORTERM=truecolor worked. Thank You!