When calling:
rcv = RCReceiver(name="roto")
I get this error:
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "../mpy_robot_tools/rc.py", line 44, in __init__
TypeError: unexpected keyword argument 'buffered'
Probably this has to do with incompatibility in the bt.py defined class:
class UARTPeripheral(BleUARTBase):
Class for a Nordic UART BLE server/peripheral.
It will advertise as the given name and populate the UART services and characteristics
def __init__(self, name="robot", ble_handler: BLEHandler = None, additive_buffer=True):
When calling:
rcv = RCReceiver(name="roto")
I get this error:Probably this has to do with incompatibility in the
defined class:where no parameter
is defined.