antony / grails-oauth-scribe

Grails Oauth plugin using the Scribe library
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Session Empty #13

Closed arief-hidayat closed 12 years ago

arief-hidayat commented 12 years ago


I get this 500 error message No OAuth token in the session for provider 'twitter'!

Here's the twitter config: successUri = "" failureUri = "/unauthorized" callback = ""

the callback matches with the setting in twitter app.

URL mapping "/oauth/success"(controller: "springSecurityOAuth", action: "onSuccess") "/oauth/$provider/callback/"(controller: "oauth", action: "callback")

I'm running my local environment: grails 2.1.0 (I tested using 2.0.3 also) intelliJ IDEA 11 ubuntu 12.04 + nginx

After debugging the springSecurityOAuth controller, I found that the session is empty. The same errors occurs for my facebook provider. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks :)

antony commented 12 years ago

Hi There,

Can you provide me a full config code example, or a sample app?

Cheers, Antony

On 9 July 2012 09:43, arief hidayat wrote:


I get this 500 error message No OAuth token in the session for provider 'twitter'!

Here's twitter my config: successUri = "" failureUri = "/unauthorized" callback = ""

the callback matches with the setting in twitter app.

URL mapping "/oauth/$provider/callback/"(controller: "springSecurityOAuth", action: "onSuccess")

I'm running my local environment: grails 2.1.0 (I tested using 2.0.3 also) intelliJ IDEA 11 ubuntu 12.04 + nginx

The session is empty. The same errors occurs for my facebook provider. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks :)

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ꜽ . antony jones .

arief-hidayat commented 12 years ago

Thanks for fast reply.

I just commited

currently I set my etc/hosts localhost and I set my nginx to listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass http://grails_server/recordeed/; }

and then, in my browser I try to access

edvinasbartkus commented 12 years ago

BTW, you should not commit your key, secret to your code repo. Use external configs :-)

arief-hidayat commented 12 years ago

ups. thanks. I forgot about that. I reset the keys first.

antony commented 12 years ago

Hi Guys,

Hoping to look into this problem tomorrow morning, apologies for the delay!

antony commented 12 years ago

Hi Arief,

I got your app up and running and it seems to work fine. I think you need to check carefully that the URL in your browser when you click connect is the same exact domain and port as your callback. I can't see anything which is causing your application to have an empty session other than that.

My session contains:

Session Content: facebook:oasAccessToken = Token[AAAGUleCTyjoBAG2cjeZAmoNcB9u4EPFOIpCyMTKdvNOnvWfZAXluMU04CUMZCznuLdDE0wXP91E6ZCO13NDjFdhWK4lR9GFbfYHPJkKdEAZDZD , ]

I'll commit my changes just in case they are of any help to you at all.

arief-hidayat commented 12 years ago

Thank you. I changed to and update the twitter app setting accordingly (without going thru nginx). And it works. I suspect it's the nginx configuration that cause the session data lost. my bad.