antonym8 / Team-app

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Voter filter #44

Open antonym8 opened 9 months ago

antonym8 commented 9 months ago

When click on filter button it redirects to dashboard

m8brindakumar commented 8 months ago

It's working because the design work for the search and filter module is completed. However, the functional module is not yet finished, which is why the app is crashing. I will complete the module in the next milestone.

m8brindakumar commented 6 months ago

Its working,

antonym8 commented 6 months ago
  1. Filtered by gender not working - When filter data by male, it shows female data too
  2. When apply second filter, it shows no data available message. For example first applied Male filter and then open filter and applied age filter not it shows no data available message
  3. Filter by age - When apply age 18 to 30 filter, it shows the voters over 30 years old
  4. Filter by contact - Applied contact whatsapp filter but it shows the voter who doesn't have the whatsapp number
  5. Filter by party - This field shows 2 static party names but it should display the parties created in the masters
  6. Filter by type - This field shows static name it should display the type created in the masters
  7. Sort by name filter - First some data it shows correct values but after scroll it shows random names
  8. After applied filter, the selected values are disappeared when click filter icon