antonypro / QGoodWindow

QGoodWindow - border less window for Qt 5 and Qt 6
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[Question] How do I use `setMaximizeMask()` properly? #27

Closed kresimirko closed 1 year ago

kresimirko commented 1 year ago

I've tried using setMaximizeMask(), and it works... except that it makes my maximize button unclickable.


As you can see here, the tooltip works, but the mask is preventing mouse events.


Usual button behavior.

This is my styleWindow() code (with some taken from GoodShowCase):

void MainWindow::styleWindow() // todo: adjust these margins a bit + set rects for maximize button (win 11)
    setMargins(titleBarWidget->height() /*Title bar height*/,
        6 + m_icon->width() + 6 /*Icon size*/,
        menu_bar->width() /*Left margin*/,
        captionButtonsWidget->width() + 3 /*Right margin*/);

    setCaptionButtonsHandled(true, Qt::TopRightCorner);
    setMaximizeMask(QRegion(m_button_maximize->width() + 3, 0, m_button_maximize->width(), m_button_maximize->height()));
    //qDebug() << maximizeMask();

    bool maximized = isMaximized();



What am I doing wrong? (if You need more code, let me know)

antonypro commented 1 year ago

@kresimirko: What you are doing wrong? Nothing!

When you specify the minimize, maximize and close button locations to the library, these buttons cannot be clicked because they don't receive any hover or click events, and it's because on Windows, to show the Snap window when the maximize button is hovered, these areas needs to belong to Windows, and your buttons should work in passive mode, receiving it's states with the QGoodWindow::captionButtonStateChanged() SIGNAL.

See docs for possible values.

I hope this help you to solve your problem.


kresimirko commented 1 year ago

Thank You, I'll try this out later!

kresimirko commented 1 year ago

@antonypro Okay, I've tried doing this, but when I try to do this:

connect(this, &QGoodWindow::captionButtonStateChanged, this, &MainWindow::onCaptionButtonStateChanged);
void onCaptionButtonStateChanged(const QGoodWindow::CaptionButtonState &state)
    qDebug() << "test";

...I get linker errors:

mainwindow.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl MainWindow::onCaptionButtonStateChanged(enum QGoodWindow::CaptionButtonState const &)" (?onCaptionButtonStateChanged@MainWindow@@QEAAXAEBW4CaptionButtonState@QGoodWindow@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __cdecl MainWindow::MainWindow(class QWidget *)" (??0MainWindow@@QEAA@PEAVQWidget@@@Z)
moc_mainwindow.obj:-1: error: LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl MainWindow::onCaptionButtonStateChanged(enum QGoodWindow::CaptionButtonState const &)" (?onCaptionButtonStateChanged@MainWindow@@QEAAXAEBW4CaptionButtonState@QGoodWindow@@@Z)

How do I fix this?

antonypro commented 1 year ago

@kresimirko: I think you need to add MainWindow:: to make onCaptionButtonStateChanged a class member, as the following:

void MainWindow::onCaptionButtonStateChanged(const QGoodWindow::CaptionButtonState &state)
    qDebug() << int(state);
kresimirko commented 1 year ago

This was the case, thanks!