antoyo / relm

Idiomatic, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm, written in Rust
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How to implement callbacks #203

Closed MGlolenstine closed 4 years ago

MGlolenstine commented 4 years ago

Let's say that I have a counter implemented using a "+" and a "-" buttons, with current value written between them. Whenever I press on the "+" button, the value increases and for "-" decreases by 1.

Now, how would I capture that value and send it back to the "main view", if this "counter" is a Widget, that's included in the top view?

To make it by an example, how would I pass the cur_number to the Counter widget and get it called, every time the number changes?

I did try manually implementing the Counter struct and giving it an FnMut variable type, but then I also had to initialize a new window, add it as root and then the widget didn't want to work as I wanted it to.

Would I be able to add a constructor, that'd take a callback as an argument without having to create a new window and still have it initialized with the #[widget]. I think that an example like this is missing and it'd be really nice to have it included in the repository.


use gtk::{
use gtk::Orientation::{Vertical};
use relm::{Widget};
use relm_derive::{widget, Msg};
use CounterMsg::*;

pub struct CounterModel {
    counter: i32,

pub enum CounterMsg {

impl Widget for Counter {
    fn model() -> CounterModel {
        CounterModel {
            counter: 0,

    fn update(&mut self, event: CounterMsg) {
        match event {
            Decrement => {
                self.model.counter -= 1;
            Increment => {
                self.model.counter += 1;

    view! {
        gtk::Box {
            orientation: Vertical,
            gtk::Button {
                label: "+",
                property_height_request: 100,
                clicked => Increment,
            gtk::Label {
                label: "0",
                vexpand: true,
                text: &self.model.counter.to_string(),
            gtk::Button {
                label: "-",
                property_height_request: 100,
                clicked => Decrement,

Main view:

use crate::utils::widgets::counter::Counter;
use gtk::Orientation::*;
use gtk::{ContainerExt, GtkWindowExt, OrientableExt};
use gtk::{Inhibit, WidgetExt};
use relm::Widget;
use relm_derive::{widget, Msg};

pub enum Msg {

pub struct Model {}

impl Widget for Win {
    fn model() -> Model {
        Model {}

    fn update(&mut self, event: Msg) {
        match event {
            Msg::Quit => gtk::main_quit(),

    view! {
        gtk::Window {
            property_default_width: 480,
            property_default_height: 272,
            border_width: 0,
            position: gtk::WindowPosition::Center,
            resizable: false,
            decorated: false,
            gtk::Box {
                orientation: Vertical,
            delete_event(_, _) => (Msg::Quit, Inhibit(false)),

use crate::utils::gpio::Gpio;
pub fn cur_number(number: i32) {
    if number > 10 || number < -10 {
        println!("Test light should be on!");
    } else {
        println!("Test light should be off!");
antoyo commented 4 years ago

If you want to send a state to another widget, to need to use message passing. Look at this example.

MGlolenstine commented 4 years ago

Ok, so I basically have to send something to the fn update inside the widget? So I could send a callback function using the Msg passing with a function as an argument and then just save it in the widget?

antoyo commented 4 years ago

Actually, no. You would need to do something like:

pub enum CounterMsg {

impl Widget for Counter {
    fn model(relm: &Relm<Self>, _: ()) -> CounterModel {
        CounterModel {
            counter: 0,
            relm: relm.clone(),

    fn update(&mut self, event: CounterMsg) {
        match event {
            Decrement => {
                self.model.counter -= 1;
            Increment => {
                self.model.counter += 1;

    view! {
        gtk::Box {
            orientation: Vertical,
            gtk::Button {
                label: "+",
                property_height_request: 100,
                clicked => Increment,
            gtk::Label {
                label: "0",
                vexpand: true,
                text: &self.model.counter.to_string(),
            gtk::Button {
                label: "-",
                property_height_request: 100,
                clicked => Decrement,

and you receive it in the window like this:

impl Widget for Win {
    fn model() -> Model {
        Model {}

    fn update(&mut self, event: Msg) {
        match event {
            Msg::Quit => gtk::main_quit(),

    view! {
        gtk::Window {
            // …
            gtk::Box {
                orientation: Vertical,
                    SendValue(value) => println!("value"), // TODO: do something with the value, could send a message to do stuff in the update method.
            delete_event(_, _) => (Msg::Quit, Inhibit(false)),
MGlolenstine commented 4 years ago

Oh so a parent propagation with the emit. Thanks for your help!

MGlolenstine commented 4 years ago

@antoyo I'm having some slight problems with the emit calls, as it says that Relm<Counter>, that's the widget one, doesn't implement it.

no method named `emit` found for struct `relm::state::Relm<utils::widgets::counter::Counter>` in the current scope

method not found in `relm::state::Relm<utils::widgets::counter::Counter>`


My CounterModel looks like this

pub struct CounterModel {
    counter: i32,
    relm: Relm<Counter>,
antoyo commented 4 years ago

Sorry, the syntax is:;

I forgot the call to stream().

MGlolenstine commented 4 years ago

It works perfectly now!
