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For Case Study: Reducing the Number of Companies for which we produce No Quality Score #24

Open rynkwn opened 8 years ago

rynkwn commented 8 years ago

Here's a small snippet of companies for which we produce no quality scores. The current number is 385. (I've yet to seriously tamper with how we handle missing data, which may reduce the list somewhat)


Taking AAC as a sample, with a side-by-side comparison of a company we do produce a quality score for (AMH), the main issue appears to be the absence of key figures.





CASH FLOW: image


The main issue appears to be the absence of a couple key figures. Growth, Payouts, and Profitability all use gross profits in their calculations, for example. Since quantmod currently only allows us to source our data from Google, it'll be worth looking into what figures are "reasonably implied" when not explicitly given. (Yahoo Finance, for example, does give gross profits of AAC as equal to total revenue).

Safety I'm unsure of. I'll be looking at this over the next few days as reference in order to try to reduce the number of non-quantified companies.

The back of my head tells me that the code should be robust enough that missing a single key figure here and there should still be able to produce a rough score, so something else may be up. I'll comment here and (ideally) resolve the issue once I address any/all reasonable means of producing a quality score for AAC.