antvis / Graphin

A React toolkit for graph visualization based on G6
MIT License
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Partial render size is too small causing artefacts on labels #489

Open Alnaimi- opened 11 months ago

Alnaimi- commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

The bounded box around the canvas local refresh/render in Graphin seems to be too small for some Font Families (and or viewports depending on browser used).

I suspect the local refresh box is calculated too eagerly, so if you have a certain font family or if you use Safari, it ends up overflowing - leaving artefacts behind. See picture below.

This seem to happen more on Safari (not so frequent in Chrome).

Suggestion: We should add some padding around the local render to avoid text/image overflow.

Your Example Website or App

Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

  1. Open Safari browser on Mac
  2. Open the URL
  3. Drag the node around

Expected behavior

No artefacts should be left behind.

Screenshots or Videos

Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 13 58 13


Additional context

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chammaaomar commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there, did you ever figure out how to resolve this? We're running into the same issue. You describe adding padding around the local render box... is there a way to achieve / hack that as a consumer of the library, without forking it or modifying its source code? Thanks for the help!