Closed 4color closed 2 weeks ago
怎么个调法? 代码怎么写的? 初始化还是动态更新? 什么有用信息都没有, 也没有最小复现链接, 没人能回答你
const s2Options = {
width: 300,
height: 200
const s2 = new PivotSheet(container, s2DataConfig, s2Options);
await s2.render()
s2.changeSheetSize(300, 200)
await s2.render(false)
你好 @4color,你所提供的信息不足于我们排查问题, 请按照 issue 模板填写相关信息, 提供 gif, 截图, 代码片段, 配置信息, 版本号, 可复现链接等方式, 详细说明复现步骤, 感谢配合, 谢谢! 15 天内未回复issue自动关闭。
Hello, @4color, the information you provided is not enough for us to troubleshoot the problem. Please complete the issue description, provide gifs, screenshots, config, version. And explain the reproduction steps in detail. Thanks so much for your cooperation! The issue will be closed without any replay within 15 days.
🏷 Version
Sheet Type
🖋 Description
我直接用基础类来展示表格,但高宽不管怎么调都是默认值 600,400
const s2 = new PivotSheet(container, s2DataConfig, s2Options); 要如何改才可以修改高宽
🔗 Reproduce Link
😊 Expected Behavior
😅 Current Behavior