antvis / XFlow

React component for building interactive diagrams.
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渲染网格时,在setX6Config中配置grid为true或者相应的对象后,网格仍然无法渲染。 #422

Closed igodm closed 8 months ago

igodm commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

这是我定义graphConfig的方法: export const useGraphConfig = createGraphConfig((config) => { config.setX6Config({ grid: { visible: true }, background: { color: '#151A23' }, }); }); const graphConfig = useGraphConfig();

在XFlowCanvas组件中是这样使用的: <XFlowCanvas position={{ top: 40, left: 150, right: 290, bottom: 0 }} config={graphConfig} />

但是网格没有渲染。 我把graphConfig打印了一下,Promise的状态是fulfilled,但是result很奇怪,设置的background生效了,但是grid没有生效,还是false,打印结果如下: { "rotating": false, "resizing": false, "connecting": { "sourceAnchor": "center", "targetAnchor": "center", "connectionPoint": "anchor", "snap": { "radius": 20 }, "router": { "name": "manhattan" }, "connector": { "name": "rounded", "args": { "radius": 15 } }, "highlight": true, "dangling": false }, "background": { "color": "#151A23" }, "grid": false, "selecting": { "enabled": true, "multiple": true, "selectCellOnMoved": true, "showNodeSelectionBox": false, "rubberEdge": true, "rubberNode": true, "movable": true }, "snapline": { "enabled": true, "className": "xflow-snapline", "clean": 5000 }, "history": { "enabled": false }, "clipboard": { "enabled": true, "useLocalStorage": true }, "scroller": { "enabled": false }, "mousewheel": { "enabled": true, "minScale": 0.01, "maxScale": 1.5, "factor": 1.1, "modifiers": [ "ctrl", "meta" ] }, "panning": { "enabled": true }, "scaling": { "max": 1.05, "min": 0.01 }, "keyboard": { "enabled": true }, "interacting": { "nodeMovable": true, "edgeLabelMovable": false }, "async": false, "highlighting": { "nodeAvailable": { "name": "className", "args": { "className": "available" } }, "magnetAvailable": { "name": "className", "args": { "className": "available" } }, "magnetAdsorbed": { "name": "className", "args": { "className": "adsorbed" } } } }

Your Example Website or App

Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

1.打开链接 2.查看画布 3.检查是否有网格渲染

Expected behavior

网格会被正常渲染 打印的结果中 grid为 true

Screenshots or Videos

No response


Additional context

No response

xflow-bot[bot] commented 8 months ago

👋 @igodm

Thanks for opening your first issue here! If you're reporting a 🐞 bug, please make sure you include steps to reproduce it.

To help make it easier for us to investigate your issue, please follow the contributing guidelines.

We get a lot of issues on this repo, so please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

igodm commented 8 months ago

my mistake