anubis09 / Computational-Intelligence

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Peer review Lab 2 - Gregorio Nicora, s310820 #1

Open gregorio-nic opened 7 months ago

gregorio-nic commented 7 months ago

Hi Lorenzo! First of all I wanted to give you credit about how easy it was to read your code: both the "in-code" comments and the readme file made it really easy to read. The only thing that I wanted to understand better is how you evaluate the goodness of an individual exploiting the fitness function.

For what I was able to understand you evaluate the goodness of an individual based on the number of wins it gets against the random strategy using as first move the one encoded in the individual and then playing randomly right? But doesn't this represent a sort of very random selection of what the best individual solution is? Let me know if I understood it correctly and whether my doubts make sense ahahah.

At the end of the day you managed to achieve great results against the optimal strategy so I guess that you got the job amazingly done! Good luck for the lab_03 ( or 09, I guess :) )!