anudeepND / whitelist

A simple tool to add commonly white listed domains to your Pi-Hole setup.
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Rename repo to allow-list? #176

Closed OmgImAlexis closed 3 years ago

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

In keeping up with it'd be nice to have this repo and updated to be allow-list and deny-list respectively.

Since GitHub will forward the old names over this shouldn't be much of a chance nor should I cause any issues for users.

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

As long as pihole is still using white- and blacklist I wouldn't rename the repo.

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

Okay, so I’ll go and open a request with them to do the same. Once that’s done you’ll be fine renaming these?

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

When pihole ranged it I wouldn't mind but I can't decide that.

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

What do you mean? 🤔

anudeepND commented 3 years ago

This has been already discussed -

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

Changing the name wouldn’t cause any issue as the redirect works. Changing the branch would but I’m sure GitHub is going to address that later this year when they add the migration tools in.

markusdresch commented 3 years ago

but it also wouldn't make any sense. look up "blacklist" and "whitelist" in a dictionary. those are real words. "block-list" and "deny-list" are made up substitutes that noone in the tech community (apart from some twitter bubble echo chambers) ever used, so this is counterproductive.

anudeepND commented 3 years ago

The term 'master' does not refer to or imply racism. 'Master' can mean lots of things, and terms such as 'whitelist' and 'blacklist' have been in the tech world for a long time. I don't like the idea of comparing it to a particular community. These terms has been industry standard for quite some time.

As @spirillen said in an older post, many RFC-standards are using white/black-list and they will remain as it is.

Changing these terms does not prevent racism or improve the workplace culture for colored people. And the word master is present in Master's Degree, MasterCard an Master of Science etc. changing these terms does not make any sense.

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

So in other words “go away we don’t care”. Glad we got that sorted.

It’s honestly sad that you’d rather sit here and explain why this isn’t a problem instead of just changing the name. Really shows your priorities towards your users. 💁‍♀️

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

I’ll be opening RFCs to change those existing projects over too. So I guess I’ll be able to force your hand that way then. So be it.

markusdresch commented 3 years ago

you are totally free to fork a project and name it anything you like, be it pink-unicorn-list or omgi-male-xis-list (could you change your name to something more inclusive please?). you are totally not free to force your opinion on anyone else, your mindset is very disturbing and reminds me of the darkest times in human history.

anyway, issues like this are totally off-topic as they do nothing to improve code quality, they do not fix bugs or request features, they are just personal opinion, divisive and disruptive, bringing in politics and ideology where it shouldn't be.

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

bringing in politics and ideology where it shouldn't be.

Open source is full of politics but a lot of times in the direction of privacy.

spirillen commented 3 years ago

It is so sad to see how people reject knowledge for the sake of there own deception of how things is related.

As @anudeepND already mentioned and link to, this topic has already been enlightened with knowledge an the relation of the naming. The knowledge have been spooked.

To @OmgImAlexis I'll like to see you have all the RFC's changed, you'll be up against knowledge from the dawn of the bit of why the naming was chosen.

As a "thinking out loud" Q: Wonder what the naming is in a computer cluster (aka cloud, to make it more likeable for the unknowing) like what GH, FB, and other big infrastructure in distributed on...?? A: Hmm (multi-)master and slaves :smiley: !!

Keep taking things out of contents, is not going to help anybody, actually, sadly only quiet the opposed and keeping people in the dark.

But would it be OK to call these kinds of lists as: red-, green-, yellow-, blue-, dark-list? or are these colors also racism?