anufrievroman / calcure

Modern TUI calendar and task manager with minimal and customizable UI.
MIT License
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Support ICS files #4

Open xmha97 opened 2 years ago

xmha97 commented 2 years ago


Support ICS files.

Sample ICS file:

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN
LOCATION:My office
DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:This is a note associated with the meeting=0D=0A
SUMMARY:Meeting to discuss salaries

See this repository for more calendars:

anufrievroman commented 2 years ago

I looked into it, indeed the database could be in .ics and the file could be synced for example using vdirsync. I tried, and it seems to work, but the first problem I see that although technically ISC format is clear, actually everybody uses slightly different format. Nextcloud, for example, creates me a separate ICS file for each event. Other platforms, as far as I see, can put many events into the same file, which becomes incompatible with Nextcloud...

Also, not all entries seem to be so universal. Nextcloud for example writes DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220129 while standard specification wants DTSTART:19980114T210000Z, not sure if that might be an issue.

Then, it's also not clear to me how to manage todo tasks. Should they be in the same file, in a different file, or each in a different file.

p.s. I am new to this system, so maybe I just don't get it...

xmha97 commented 2 years ago

My events are in Google Calendar and I want to see them in this app. Google Calendar publishes events in the following link format: Alternative Link:

mpldr commented 2 years ago

If I may add to this feature request the option to add these from the commandline. I am using aerc for emails and it would be great to just do something like piping it into calcure or providing it with a ---import-ics [file] flag to add the event.

anufrievroman commented 2 years ago

I started looking into this issue, it seems like the easiest and most supported way to go is library. However, in addition to the problems mentioned above, I discovered several more problems:

In conclusion, while last two points are doable, the first two points are somewhat critical, because if numerous devs of the ics library couldn't figure it out in many years, I probably won't be able to quickly fix it by myself. So I am still looking for some easy and compatible way to import/export the events to ics.

gfarrell commented 2 years ago

Khal uses the icalendar library with some helper functions which might provide some inspiration.

I do think that ics support is pretty vital given almost all other calendar systems support it (e.g. if I want to sync events to my phone and my nextcloud, at the moment this is all done with ics files and caldav).

I use khal currently, which is great, but I'm always keen to see nice TUI programmes for this sort of thing.

anufrievroman commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I'll look into the khal example!

tkapias commented 2 years ago


I am just here to support the request and give a little more perspective.

Currently I use Khard, Khal and Todoman, using files in vdir folders. Folders synchronized with vdirsyncer to a Caldav Baikal/Sabre server, itself synced on the phone with DAVx5 and used by a fork of Etar-Calendar, and

Most of the people who want a CLI or TUI stack with open and proper protocols, are on these tools. One tool for each feature, all connected to each other. Perfect. If you don't care about separating things people use Nextcloud, for more simplicity, but it's the same protocols.

This is one of the few combinations that works at the moment if you want to replace what a closed ecosystem or a GUI like Gnome/Evolution can do.

But we have 3 major problems that got stuck for years:

As a result, things that work on my phone or on Evolution are not available in my terminal. Everyone regularly check if replacements are coming, but either the newcoming apps are incompatible with the existing stacks, they leave out essential features, or they have a closed ecosystem like emacs or todo.txt.

I was disappointed with Calcurse, which is useless, as it can only import one calendar and only supports a third of the basic VTODO fields.

For the moment my hopes are on Calcure, I will try to invest time here.

Honestly, if this project manages to be compatible with caldav or vdir, and propose a dozen VTODO fields. A lot of people will rush here.

anufrievroman commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the details. I agree it would be great but I still don't see any easy way to do it. As far as I can see from calcurse experience, they implemented that several years ago, but it is not finally very usable, like you said some fields are missing, and their issue section is filled with bags related to caldav. On the surface, it does not look very difficult. For example, to sync tasks you just need to write a new loader and a new saver method in the '', instead of load_tasks_from_csv(self) and save_tasks_from_csv(self). In practice, I can only see it working if there is a good ics exporting/importing library for python, but with each library I tried I have some problems: mentioned above, icalendar does not even seem to be developed any longer, while formats change... Besides problems with libraries, I have some other problems like which of calcure features go into which field and is there a field for that at all. But this we can try to resolve with time.

For anyone willing to contribute with caldav support:

It would be very helpful is somebody could write a simple working example of import/export from a folder of real ics files (not just a link to the docs please, I read the docs for all these libs.). Let's start with tasks. Please take several todo files (more than one), each must have a few mandatory fields like DESCRIPTION, STATUS, DUE plus a few fields that remain unused (like they are unsupported). The minimal working example should read these files, and save fields for each file into some variables, change something, and export back into original files. Fields originally present in the files, but not imported, should not be lost.

Thank you for your interest to the project :)

p.s. at the moment, I am not 100% convinced that full support of ics is possible, but I think at least the ability to only display events/tasks from ics must be implemented.

tkapias commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I will contribute.

I already have some informations that I wrote recently. I hope something help.

At the bottom, I added a small analysis of a folder with VEVENT and VTODOs. When I got the time I will make a better one from more sources and with other fields.


VDirSyncer :




Nextcloud Calendar/Tasks




The tasks where created on android with Tasks. Then related to an event on the ETAR calendar app. Then I synced it all by Davx5->Baikal->Vdirsyncer.

I get a folder for my calendar with 6 files:

PRODID:DAVx5/4.2.2-ose ical4j/3.1.2 (org.lineageos.etar)
LOCATION:Paris\, France
DESCRIPTION:My description\n\n# Title\n\n- list\n- list

DTSTAMP:(TEXT)indicates the date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object was created. SEQUENCE:(INTEGER)sequence number of the calendar component within a sequence of revisions

SUMMARY:(TEXT)short summary or subject for the calendar component LOCATION:(TEXT) intended venue for the activity defined by a calendar component DESCRIPTION:(TEXT) more complete description of the calendar component

DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:(DATE-TIME by default, but can specifie another value type like here DATE) specifies when the calendar component begins DTEND;VALUE=DATE:(DATE-TIME by default, but can specifie another value type like here DATE) specifies when the calendar component ends

CLASS:(TEXT) the access classification for a calendar component STATUS:(TEXT) property is used by the "Organizer" to provide a confirmation of the event to the "Attendees".

TRIGGER:(DURATION by default, but can specifie another value type) specifies when an alarm will trigger ACTION:(TEXT) action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered

PRODID:DAVx5/4.2.2-ose ical4j/3.1.2
SUMMARY:(Sans titre)
DESCRIPTION:My description\n\n# Title\n\n- list\n- list
DESCRIPTION:Default description

LAST-MODIFIED:(DATE-TIME) analogous to the modification date and time for a file in the file system

GEO:(two SEMICOLON separated FLOAT values) information related to the global position for the activity

PRIORITY:(INTEGER) relative priority for a calendar component

STATUS:(TEXT) can indicate that an action item needs action, is completed, is in process or being worked on, or has been cancelled

CATEGORIES:(TEXT) categories for a calendar component, more than one category can be specified separated by COMMA TRIGGER;RELATED=END:(DURATION by default, but can specifie another value type) A trigger set relative to the end of the event or to-do

PRODID:DAVx5/4.2.2-ose ical4j/3.1.2

RELATED-TO;RELTYPE=PARENT:(TEXT) represent a relationship or reference between one calendar component and another


tkapias commented 2 years ago

And about the libraries, 2 of them were listed above in this thread, there is a third one, vobject.

Something like but not in PHP would have been nice.

anufrievroman commented 2 years ago

Okay, I had some time to work on it. For now, I am trying to figure out limitations and possible issues with different format. But so far, this script based on ics library works quite well with Nextcloud-generated ics files (everything in one file). I'll leave it here for future reference:

from ics import Calendar

event_file = "myevent.ics"
task_file = "mytasks.ics"

print("====== EVENTS ======")

with open(event_file, 'r') as f:
    ics_text =

c = Calendar(ics_text)
for event in

print("====== TASKS ======")

with open(task_file, 'r') as f:
    ics_text =

c = Calendar(ics_text)
for task in c.todos:
anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

It's been a while, but I started implementing it. So far, n 170671c5dddb19936de9f3e4bf7d29ef9aaf06a9 I implemented read-only tasks and events from .ics files. You need to add path to your ics files (which is synced by vdirsyncer) to your config:

ics_task_files = /home/user/.config/calcure/mytasksfile.ics
ics_event_files = /home/user/.config/calcure/myeventsfile.ics

I tested with nextcloud, it works pretty well. It should be available to everyone in version 2.7. Then, we'll test read-only mode a bit and think how to better implement editing mode and maybe switch completely to .ics file and migrate everybody.

UPDATE: Also, multiple files can be loaded, comma separated without spaces:

ics_task_files = /home/user/.config/calcure/mytasksfile.ics,/home/user/.config/calcure/anothertasksfile.ics
anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Okay, I just published version 2.7 where viewing .ics files is working. At least my tests with Nextcloud and vdirsyncer work. Please upgrade pip install --upgrade calcure, try with your cloud, and let me know how it works for you.

For instructions, see this wiki page and vdirsyncer manuals.

Have fun :)

p.s. it turns out that different calendar services implement .ics filse quite differently, so some issues are to be expected. If you experience one, please share.

thezeroalpha commented 1 year ago

Thank you for implementing this! I use vdirsyncer with a Baikal server, events and tasks are stored in the same .ics file. calcure displays both perfectly.

Edit: I noticed the info about reading multiple files isn't in the wiki, perhaps it might be good to also add it there.

euglevi commented 1 year ago

First of all, great app! Would it be possible to add wildcards to the ics_event_files option to identify multiple ics files? This is because I use khal/vdirsyncer and I sync to a folder rather than to a file.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Well, there is this problem with ics that different services either do separate files or all events in one file. I decided to go with the single file format because that's how you can import different calendars (like personal and work etc.), display them with different colors etc (it is coming in the next version). And in general, it seems the single file format is more common. So the option to have multiple files is really meant for different calendars rather than for different individual events. There are other reasons, but long story short: It's difficult to support both types. Plus, I don't even have a clear idea how I'd implement wildcards from config...

However, I think the solution is simple, just add another record to your vdirsyncer config to also sync it as a single file (here is an example). So you'd have a single file for calcure and a folder for khal (can't khal read single files?). I know it's not optimal, but for now it's like that.

euglevi commented 1 year ago

The solution was indeed pretty simple. It implies duplicates in terms of syncing and ics files, but that is not a big worry.

One question though: is calcure able to read timezones in ics files or did I do something wrong? Because I cannot seem to get the proper timezone for some events. By investigating this a little bit further, it seems that Calcure gets the DTEND and the DTSTART but not the X-WR-TIMEZONE. Am I right?

nfultz commented 1 year ago

One nice-to-have would be specifying the ics location as a url instead of a file path - then fetching it as the program starts.


I've added a minimal working example in PR #42

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Thank you for PR, it works great! I'll test a bit more and publish it as a part of 2.8 version.

nfultz commented 1 year ago

Thank you for PR, it works great! I'll test a bit more and publish it as a part of 2.8 version.

You may want to update the docs for using google calendar also, in gcal go to settings | sharing | secret url and plug that in to the config file - note that the percent signs have to be escaped though.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

You may want to update the docs for using google calendar also, in gcal go to settings | sharing | secret url and plug that in to the config file - note that the percent signs have to be escaped though.

That's handy! I was actually thinking what's the easiest way to read from gcal, and it seems to be the one. I managed to escape % with raw=True when I import that particular line.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Just pushed a new version to PyPi, in which, thank to @nfultz , displaying from URLs (for example Google calendar) also works. Here is the instruction how to set it up. Please upgrade and test.

In the next version, I'll rewrite it all a bit to get different colors for different calendars #40

WhyNotHugo commented 1 year ago

Hi! I maintain vdirsyncer and todoman. I like this TUI and would love to see some synergy. Mainly, the way information is laid out at-a-glance (as seen in the main screenshot of this repo) is something that I'm really missing.

I read through this long thread, and here are the main thoughts I have in mind:

Also, not all entries seem to be so universal. Nextcloud for example writes DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220129 while standard specification wants DTSTART:19980114T210000Z, not sure if that might be an issue.

You probably want to use a library which handles this for you. In todoman I use the icalendar library and icalendar.Todo class has a decode() method which returns either of the above as a date or datetime object respectively. Parsing icalendar is a lot of work that's nice to avoid if possible.

If you have specific questions or doubts, I'm happy to help. It's always nice to see more implementations using icalendar/vdir in general.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Hi @WhyNotHugo , thank you for checking out this project! Yeah, vdirsyncer is basically the way to go as far as syncing is concerned. I definitely don't plan supporting syncing with servers natively, so thank you for the awesome tool. I actually have lots of questions and thoughts, but I'll try to be concise:

  1. Since I want to display events from both files and URLs, and they should be provided in the config (and for other reasons), I decided to use singlefile option rather than vdir convention. Here is the example the users are supposed to follow. So, is there anything inherently wrong with this approach and this config (except the necessity to reparse everything at startup)?
  2. By the way, there is a problem I experienced that vdirsyncer creates multiple PRODID lines (py-ics library does not like it). People at py-ics assured me that this is against the law. So I am not sure if it is a bug or a feature. Anyway, I made a fix in calcure to skip those extra lines, but still...
  3. I guess I mostly figured out parsing and displaying, but I still have doubts if I even should consider editing those files. Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like different services have different fields in their ics and if we miss some of them (py-ics does not seem to support all fields), rewrite the file, and push it back to the server, the data will be lost, or maybe even the whole file is corrupted. So, potentially it could be a disaster. Am I overcomplicating this, or it's a real concern? I noticed that todoman takes care of this somehow. Is it via icalendar library, or there is something else? Sorry, I didn't fully understand the todoman's code base yet.
WhyNotHugo commented 1 year ago
  1. singlefile should work fine. The only downside is that other tools (e.g.: todoman) support only vdir so I wouldn't be able to use the same collection for both. TBH, vdir makes writing easier, but makes reading a bit more work.

  2. vdirsyncer doesn't tamper the ics files in any way. IIRC, PRODID is a bit of a special one, but I'm 99% sure we never insert it anywhere. Are you sure that it's not the caldav server that's adding this? Never mind, it looks like this does happens for singlefile due to how we concat multiple entries: I think this shouldn't be too hard to fix.

  3. Yeah, I take care never to drop any unknown fields. Basically there's two types: icalendar.Todo which contains the data read from the file is semi-parsed form, but contains ALL data. OTOH, there'todoman.Todo, which is a wrapper for the above, which convenience methods like start() and is_complete(). However, I don't serialize todoman.Todo itself; I load the icalendar.Todo from disk, and update it with all the data from the todoman.Todo. All other fields are untouched. So basically, if you ics file had X-MAGIC: blue, that never makes it into the todoman.Todo instance.

This magic happens in VTodoWriter.serialize.

Sorry, I didn't fully understand the todoman's code base yet.

Yeah, it's become pretty complicated over the years, mostly to optimize parsing. Basically we have an sqlite database (the "cache"). It keeps the mtime (modification time) of each file and a bunch of fields like start time, due date, etc.

At startup, todoman reads the sqlite database, and traverses directories. If any new files are found, they're read and added to the database. If a file is an event (e.g.: don't care about it for todoman), it goes into another table in the DB, so we know not to bother reading it next time. If any files' last modified date has change, we re-read it and fill the sqlite db again. At this point, the cache is fully up to date (and this is a lot cheaper than parsing all files). todoman list and friends only read this sqlite database (which is updated at startup anyway).

Ironically, modifying an entry does re-read the original ics file as mentioned above: to keep all unknown fields intact.

The sqlite database is safe to delete at any time: it really is just a cache. The next run is just slower because it has to regenerate it.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

After all the discussions, I implemented bd8e9aea758a737ddaa73016df1b79d56e792f6b reading from ics folders as well. Now, you can use single ics file, a url, or a folder or url files, the program should understand what you mean and parse accordingly. Please pip install --upgrade calcure to version 2.8 and test.

mathstuf commented 1 year ago

Things look good overall except that Fastmail's editor creates TZUNTIL lines which dateutil doesn't support yet.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

@mathstuf does it crash the program? I think I can try to skip lines like that, as we already do with PRODID.

EDIT: I implemented a quick fix for that, in version 2.8.2 it should at least not crash on this line and also parse other files even if one file has something wrong in it.

mathstuf commented 1 year ago

It doesn't crash, but it does halt loading any other .ics files from the directory (not just the one that failed).

mathstuf commented 1 year ago

2.8.2 behaves a lot better, thanks. I think some recurrence rules are missing, but I want to compare with khal to make sure.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

2.8.2 behaves a lot better, thanks. I think some recurrence rules are missing, but I want to compare with khal to make sure.

Unfortunately, recurring events are not supported yet, because last time I checked py-ics does not support it yet.

It doesn't crash, but it does halt loading any other .ics files from the directory (not just the one that failed).

Now, it should be fixed too. All files beside problematic ones should be loading in version 2.8.2

WhyNotHugo commented 1 year ago

I've pointed the config to an existing collection:

 calcurse_events_file = /home/hugo/.local/share/calendars/502708f4-4b94-4963-b042-f7340c829bdf/

But calcure just renders an empty calendar. Any ideas? (I'm using main).

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

@WhyNotHugo could you please check info.log file in your config folder? Does it mention anything relevant?

WhyNotHugo commented 1 year ago

info.log is empty.

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

info.log is empty

Ah, wait, the calcurse_events_file is the path to the events from calcurse (another program). The parameter to provide path to .ics files is ics_event_files =

WhyNotHugo commented 1 year ago

Oh, I didn't notice it said calcurse; I thought it said calcure.

The auto-generated config file has this entry, but not ics_event_files, so I completely missed that.

Works okay now.

eguiraud commented 1 year ago

All files beside problematic ones should be loading in version 2.8.2

Hello, I guess I have a problematic one :D calcure quickly flashes a [ERROR] Failed to parse /path/to/calendar.ics before displaying an empty calendar at the terminal. Unfortunately I can't share the ICS file as it is my personal calendar of the last 5 years or so.

Any way we can figure out a workaround?

EDIT: info.log just repeats that [ERROR] message, no further details

mathstuf commented 1 year ago

Any way we can figure out a workaround?

I edited the venv to log the exception and then searched where that came from for my issue.

eguiraud commented 1 year ago

Ok, I just removed the except branch that swallowed the exception and logged an error so I could get a better look at the exception itself:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/blue/calcure_dbg_env/bin/calcure", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/blue/calcure_dbg_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/calcure/", line 1040, in cli
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/curses/", line 94, in wrapper
    return func(stdscr, *args, **kwds)
  File "/home/blue/calcure_dbg_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/calcure/", line 928, in main
    user_ics_events = event_loader_ics.load()
  File "/home/blue/calcure_dbg_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/calcure/", line 367, in load
    cal = ics.Calendar(ics_file)
  File "/home/blue/calcure_dbg_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ics/", line 69, in __init__
    self._populate(containers[0])  # Use first calendar
  File "/home/blue/calcure_dbg_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ics/", line 54, in _populate
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: A VCALENDAR must have at most one PRODID

So it's still the problem with multiple PRODIDs. I'm on 2.8.2, I guess the fix you mention above is not working for this file @anufrievroman ?

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Hi @eguiraud , thank you for reporting and investigating! Could you please at least share the header part of your .ics and maybe also search your file for any PRODID lines? The thing is, I assumed that these lines go one after another in the header only (in which case additional lines are ignored), but maybe in your file it is not the case. If so, it's easy to fix, I'll try.

NOTE TO MYSELF: I need to make errors more explicit, at least showing the error type...

eguiraud commented 1 year ago

This is the beginning of events_personal.ics for my personal Nextcloud calendar as produced by vdirsyncer sync:

PRODID:-//IDN app 2.0.3//EN
PRODID:-//IDN app 2.0.2//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/4.1.1-ose ical4j/3.1.2 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:-//IDN app 2.3.1//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/4.0-ose ical4j/3.1.0 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.1.2 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:-//IDN app 2.1.3//EN
PRODID:-//IDN app 3.4.2//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3.10-ose ical4j/3.0.24 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:-//IDN app 3.2.2//EN
PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 16.0 MIMEDIR//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/4.1-ose ical4j/3.1.1 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:+//IDN ical4j/2.2.6
PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.1.2
PRODID:+//IDN ical4j/2.2.6
PRODID:-// 4.0//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3.9-ose ical4j/3.0.21 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:-//Acme Widgets\, Inc.//NONSGML ExportToCalendar//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.2.5 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3.12-ose ical4j/3.0.28 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/3.4-ose ical4j/3.1.0 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/4.2.6-ose ical4j/3.2.5 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/4.3-ose ical4j/3.2.7 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.2.5 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3-ose ical4j/3.0.19 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3.5-ose ical4j/3.0.20 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:-// Flight//EN
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3.8-ose ical4j/3.0.21 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/4.1.1-ose ical4j/3.1.2
PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.0.19 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:DAVx5/4.2.2-ose ical4j/3.1.2 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:+//IDN ical4j/2.2.6
PRODID:DAVx5/3.3.4-ose ical4j/3.0.20 (ws.xsoh.etar)
PRODID:Data::ICal 0.23
PRODID:-//Nextcloud calendar v1.7.1
PRODID:-// Event//EN
PRODID:+//IDN ical4j/3.0.18

Interestingly, if I export the calendar to a .ics directly from Nextcloud it looks very different, with only 2 PRODID lines (but anyway again more than 1 and non-consecutive).

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

I see, I actually had exactly the same problem. This is something @WhyNotHugo might be interested as well. Anyway, I made a fix for this issue. Please update to 2.8.3 pip install --upgrade calcure it should work now.

eguiraud commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the quick reaction! Unfortunately I can't use vdirsyncer+calcure because of at the moment -- I can give this a go if/when that gets fixed :)

thezeroalpha commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your work on this. Most of it works very well, but I ran into an issue with an ICS folder synced via vdirsyncer containing metadata:

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Hi @thezeroalpha , thank you for reporting! I think we definitely should check (in the code you highlighted) that the file has .ics extension. That would be most straightforward fix.

At the moment, I am on vacation, so if someone could add a line, something like:

If filename.endswith(".ics"):

That would be very helpful!

anufrievroman commented 1 year ago

Thank you again for the PR! The change was pushed into the repo, it's in the version 2.9.

anufrievroman commented 9 months ago

Hi guys, we are testing improved support for ics files with icalendar library, thanks to contribution by @jose1711 Could you please install the test branch and confirm that it works for you?

pipx install git+

This version is supposed to parse ics files much faster than before.

euglevi commented 9 months ago

By a first look, it seems to work well and it is way much faster than before.

euglevi commented 9 months ago

Thanks again for the app! I really like it.

I want to point out an issue I am having with one of my calendars. This calendar originates in Outlook, then I import it in Google. As with my other calendars, I sync it with vdirsyncer and its calendar events appear regularly on khal. When I try to import it in calcure, the calendar does not show up. The same if I just use the link provided by Outlook for ics files. Is there some kind of basic incompatibility between the ics libraries/calcure and Outlook ics files?

anufrievroman commented 9 months ago

@euglevi is there anything mentioned in the info.log file? It's in the config folder. There's no inherent incompatibility, but sometimes there are lines in ics files that break things. Which version you are using?