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[MMA] VNF Journey touchpoints - development to operationalized #1095

Open jbeltranatl opened 4 years ago

jbeltranatl commented 4 years ago

MVP - identify vision, key gates/milestones for metrics measurement

  1. Vendor develops software aligned with CNTT NFVI requirements (Architecture, Functions, Data Model, FCAPS, etc.)
  2. Vendor verifies VNF Conforms to Common NFVI requirements* (OVP NFVI Badge)
  3. Vendor verifies VNF Conforms to VNF requirements* (OVP VNF Badge)
  4. Vendor delivers Release Notes to Operator/System Integrator
  5. Vendor begins on-boarding to Operator/System Integrator NFVI
  6. Vendor makes standard network function images available (final versions, not an iteration of the final)
  7. VNF Requirements provided by Vendor to Operator/System Integrator (templates, images, etc.)
  8. Operator/System Integrator do infrastructure planning
  9. Verify and validate VNF in Operator/System Integrator staging environment*
  10. Operator/System Integrator do System Testing*
  11. Operator/System Integrator: NSD Parameters Validated / Catalogued / Lifecycle*
  12. Operator/System Integrator does Performance Testing*
  13. Operator/System Integrator operationalizes the VNF (put into production)*

*Non-conformance and/or bugs identified at this stage in the process. Corrective actions taken as needed.

jbeltranatl commented 4 years ago

Strawmodel--High-Level VNF Journey from Development to Operationalized for Use 

(moved this into the description)

michaelfix commented 4 years ago

@jbeltranatl (et al.),

Possibly add: