anusfoil / SymRep

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Does experimental dataset's metadat_files available? #4

Open zhanh-he opened 1 week ago

zhanh-he commented 1 week ago

Hi, thanks for providing codes and I am current investigating (used it as baseline). My repeat experiments results are a bit away the paper's, and likely due to my composers split difference. Would it possible to provide your metadata.csv files?

In the conf, they are:

    dataset_dir: /homes/hz009/Research/Datasets/asap-dataset/
    metadata_file: /homes/hz009/Research/Datasets/asap-dataset/metadata-v1.3.csv <---

    dataset_dir: /homes/hz009/Research/Datasets/ATEPP-1.1/
    metadata_file: /homes/hz009/Research/Datasets/ATEPP-1.1/ATEPP-metadata-1.5.csv <---
anusfoil commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your inquiry, here they are: Yes I should have put them in the repository, since we are doing a piece-level split and the result would vary greatly depending on the split level.