anuvyklack / hydra.nvim

Create custom submodes and menus
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Unexpected behavior on pink hydra key overwrite #55

Open miversen33 opened 2 years ago

miversen33 commented 2 years ago

The title is not a great description of what I am experiencing, so hopefully I can explain better. When setting a pink hydra, such as this lsp hydra

        name = "LSP Mode",
        mode = {"n"},
        config = {
            color = "pink",
            invoke_on_body = true,
            hint = {
                type = "window",
                position = "bottom-right",
                border = "rounded",
                show_name = true
        hint = [[
Common Actions
- _h_: Show Hover Doc
- _f_: Format Buffer
- _a_: Code Actions
- _s_: Show Definition
- _e_: Show Declerations
- _D_: Show Type Definition
- _j_: Show Sig Help
- _o_: Show Implementation
- _r_: Show References
_q_/_<Esc>_: Exit Hydra
        body = "l",
        heads = {
            {"s", vim.lsp.buf.definition, {desc = "Show Description", silent = true}},
            {"h", vim.lsp.buf.hover, {desc = "Show Hover Doc", silent = true}},
            {"o", vim.lsp.buf.implementation, {desc = "Show Implementations", silent = true}},
            {"j", vim.lsp.buf.signature_help, {desc = "Show Sig Help", silent = true}},
            {"r", vim.lsp.buf.references, {desc = "Show References", silent = true}},
            {"f", function() vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true }) end, {desc = "Format Buffer", silent = true}},
            {"a", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, {desc = "Show Code Actions", silent = true}},
            {"D", vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, {desc = "Show Type Definition", silent = true}},
            {"e", vim.lsp.buf.decleration, {desc = "Show Declerations", silent = true}},
            {"q",       nil, {desc = "quit", exit = true, nowait = true}},
            {"<Esc>",   nil, {desc = "quit", exit = true, nowait = true}}

notice that q is being bound to the quit action. If another plugin is triggered that overrides q for its own purposes after the pink hydra is triggered (an example, vim-visual-multi), it is then impossible to correctly escape the pink hydra. I assume this is because it lost its binding to the q keypress event.

I am aware that I can set a timeout on the hydra, and I am not necessarily saying this is a bug, more of unexpected behavior. Do you have any thoughts on a workaround, or should I stick with

"Dont do that"?

anuvyklack commented 1 year ago

Yes, you are right, hydra and vim-visual-multi are interfere with each other. But I don't know how vim-visual-multi defines its keymapings, and I have no desire to dig (it is written in vimscript), so yes, better not to multiple cursors while you are in the pink hydra state.

miversen33 commented 1 year ago

@anuvyklack I'm afraid the root of my issue is being lost here. This is not simply a case of don't use vim-visual-multi because they dont work together. They dont work together because vim-visual-multi overwrites the key command that is used for quiting a pink hydra.

IE, if plugin x does the same thing when its triggered (overwrites the function that pressing q calls), then you also cant use plugin x. Any plugin that overwrites the q key will cause issues if used with a pink hydra. I am not necessarily saying this is a problem that needs addressing, but its likely worth calling out somewhere on the readme maybe?

anuvyklack commented 1 year ago

Can you name other such plugins? With vim-visual-multi the problem is that they simultaneously try to remap the same keys.