anuzzolese / oke-challenge-2016

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Number of requests for the web service #12

Open Flutifioc opened 8 years ago

Flutifioc commented 8 years ago


Concerning the web service we are asked to provide, the example given here implies that our service should expect one sentence per POST request. Is this correct, or should we expect one POST request to contain all the sentences to annotate ? In the first case (one request per sentence), should we provide one NIF file for all the sentences, or one file per request ? In the first case (one common file), how does the service know that all the requests have been received ?

Thanks in advance !

anuzzolese commented 8 years ago

The Web API has to be designed in order to handle one sentence to be annotated per request. Hence, the API is expected to provide as output the NIF annotation for a single sentence only.