anuzzolese / oke-challenge-2016

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Task 2, type alignment : how to choose between d0: and dul: ? #9

Open Flutifioc opened 8 years ago

Flutifioc commented 8 years ago


I have a question concerning the second part of task 2 : there are several classes of d0 that are equivalent to dul classes, for instance d0:Location and dul:Location. When we attempt to align a type such as "Village" with Dolce + DnS, should we return d0:Location, dul:Location, or both ?

In the gold standard, there are some cases where the aligned type is dul:Location (oke:State, line 7420), others where it is d0:Location (oke:Site, line 7816), and others where it is both (oke:Region, line 2443). How to choose ?

Thanks in advance !

anuzzolese commented 8 years ago

Hi @Flutifioc,

the correct type is d0:Location. dul:Location is a typo in the dataset. This has been fixed (cf. commit 8d36370).